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About hornmpa96

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  1. Can Texas run the ball against the Ohio St defense? If Texas can run the ball, this will be a tight game going into the 4th quarter. The offense needs to sustain some drives so the defense isn’t gassed in the 4th quarter.
  2. Hopefully they have another team meeting about playing clean. The 4 false starts all put the offense in a hole and likely changed the play calls.
  3. Mack Brown won a title at Texas and played for another doing exactly that.
  4. She’s been quiet quitting that job for about a decade now.
  5. If they were selling assets, that cash flow should have been in the investing section of the cash-flow statement and segregated from operating cash-flow. Free cash flow is a non-GAAP measure which brings up another item. I try and stick to the GAAP financials. The non-GAAP stuff is the Wild West. The SEC tries to police it but it’s really tough.
  6. I spend a fair amount of time looking and reading financial statements and 10k/qs. I always start at the cash flow statement. It’s hard to fake cash flow. It also will tell you if the company is able to fund its capital via its existing operations or debt/equity offerings. Agree with the comments above on listening to the Q&A on the quarterly calls. The prepared remarks will always reflect the company’s desired message but occasionally you can pick up some good nuggets in the Q&A.
  7. This isn’t a movie that will go into the annual Christmas movie rotation but it was fun watch.
  8. So Yormark should be attending this game. That has great potential for entertainment.
  9. Rickey was an incredible player to watch. RIP
  10. Multiple run plays today that were blocked perfectly. Awesome!
  11. 2 most overrated teams in the entire playoff. Notre Dame wins a close game tonight against an Indiana team that shouldn’t be here. When Notre Dame plays Georgia, we get to see the standard ND blowout loss to end their season.
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