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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornmpa96

  1. This eliminates the first 2 choices. Fairly certain the Mormons check your 1040 to verify your tithe was at least 10%.
  2. I’m not sure he gets confirmed. They can only lose 3 Rs assuming that all of the D senators vote no. He’s a pro-choice legacy Democrat. I’m most likely going to be disappointed when the 20 R Senators who know RFK has no business in this role flip coins to see who gets to cast the 3 no votes allowing the couch fucker to break the tie.
  3. Totally agree with this - Grilling backstrap is my goto and I never let it get above 130 degrees. Medium rare blackstrap with a baked potato always hits the spot.
  4. To add to the 2 posts above, corporate dividends are effectively subject to double-tax. To get dividend treatment at the individual level, the payor needs to be a corporation which is subject to tax itself. There are games to be played with respect to tax-free returns of basis but the business-owner described above utilizes an entity taxed as a new partnership to avoid this double-tax (generally).
  5. I just sold NVDA puts with $100 strike. Also sold AVGO puts with a $170 strike.
  6. At yesterday’s valuations, lots of folks were looking for any reason to sell some of these names at a profit. After a few days, the froth will start to come back because FOMO. Also, are people really going to park money in bonds?
  7. Shocked that they completed the comeback. Amazing finish.
  8. Ken is always looking in 2 different directions.
  9. Become an officer in a Fortune 500 company that is ultimately purchased and you can have that W2. Then hope your company grosses up for the damn golden parachute tax so you don’t lose half of it to the government.
  10. Jeff Yass’s check cleared.
  11. Bregman and Boras overplayed their hand. He’s a really good player who has just started his decline curve and probably was valued higher by the Astros who had direct knowledge of his intangibles.
  12. Hold on - This is an actual biopic but they replaced the main character with a chimp. I saw the preview before seeing Nosferatu and had no idea this was about an actual person. How did this ever get the green light?
  13. That’s exactly it. I learned working in Austin in the late 90s that most VC and founders didn’t want to actually build something long-term. They wanted to build something significant enough to attract the attention of a larger player and get bought. It’s essentially a lottery for the rich. Lina Khan’s actions at the FTC have scared those guys significantly. Also Andreesen seemed mostly upset that the plebeians weren’t saying thank you enough for providing some crumbs from your table.
  14. I used to get Trudy’s Enchiladas Caliente which had a New Mexico style green chile sauce which was pretty good. That hasn’t been on the menu for 2 decades.
  15. That was a shitty play call on 2nd down but I remember the McWilliams/Mackovic/Strong/Herman eras. Sarkisian needs to find his Vince or Colt. Hopefully that’s Arch.
  16. I think she exits the first time she sees something which could result in jail time for her. She’s not Michael Cohen who’s will willingly break the law. She’s absolutely bought into all of the horrible but still legal things coming from TFG.
  17. That makes sense. My ranch has a 1:1 buck to doe ratio. Saturday is Helicopter Survey and Hog hunting day and hopefully our ratio is still in that area.
  18. I feed cottonseed and protein at my place. For the cottonseed, I have a tpost surrounded by wire-fencing that holds the cottonseed and allows the deer to feed. When starting cottonseed, you will likely want to top-off the cottonseed with corn as they may ignore it at first. For protein, we utilize free-choice feeders so the deer can eat 24/7. This allows does and fawns to access the feed. If it’s a timed feeder, the bucks may monopolize the feed. For better antler and body growth, you want the feed to help the health of the entire herd. In order to minimize your time, I would get the largest feeder that you’re comfortable putting out there. As long as the feeder doesn’t allow rain into the feed, the protein will stay good for a long time.
  19. Nope - He goes to Cancun when it’s cold. He’s probably going to start negotiations on this Gulf of America idea.
  20. This is a good discussion. I need to implement the shoot a doe first rule on my ranch. There are too many times when folks shoot their buck and somehow never find a doe to take the rest of the weekend.
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