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Posts posted by hornmpa96

  1. Leadership matters. If Trump wore a mask, more Americans would be alive today and the economic recovery would be further along as consumers have more confidence.

    Trump rolled back methane regulations impacting climate and increasing hurricane risk along the coast

    Trump's tariff policies have increased prices for American consumers.

    Trump rolled back offshore drilling safety regulations put in post-Macando disaster.

    I think who sits in the White House matters to me.

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  2. 35 minutes ago, Whatever said:

    I don’t claim to be an expert and you may very well be right. Honestly I’m not as informed as most of you on here so it’s tough to decipher. Do you have any tangible evidence that my L vote in Texas is a Trump one? My R friends/family tell me my R vote is a D vote. And vice versa for my D friends/family.

    Nothing against you, but I’m skeptical of the majority of the info I’m fed (mainly the media on both sides). It’s so hard to find unbiased info that I’ve become cynical of many “facts”.

    I care more about America than my own interests & I haven’t noticed my life being a whole lot different no matter who is in office (I’m 38). Only thing is I think it’s more complicated than Biden will help America the most and Trump will help me the most.

    Any links or info you can provide is appreciated.

    I'm assuming you're in Texas - I voted for Gary Johnson in 2016 knowing that I was essentially throwing my vote away, but it didn't matter because Trump was winning Texas anyway. However, in 2020, if you think Biden is the lesser of two evils and Texas is in play, how do you vote Libertarian this year?

  3. 1 hour ago, Fudbelty said:



    Adding this to my lunch shopping list. Are we talking Ruffles with ridges or just plain Jane Lays? Makes a difference.

    Also adding to my lunch shopping list.



    I like Ruffles. They don’t get as soggy as Lays.

  4. The only potential relevant part of the Election statute in Texas is that the polling place “is located inside a building.”

    That’s why I thought the drive through voting had been located in parking structures that are arguably a “building.”

  5. 7 minutes ago, Fud said:

    Regarding specifically the deaths and not the Covid economic policies, we have a similar death rate to much of western Europe (Spain, UK, Italy). So I don't think most of these deaths are on Trump, because I think there would have been a high death rate regardless of what he could reasonably do. I think it's likely that there's an incremental amount that he's responsible for. 


    We are the 9th worst country in the world for per-capita death rates. I guess that’s our standard.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Snake Diggity said:

    It’s not a matter of affording Brantley; Houston will almost certainly add more than $19M to their current committed payroll.  The question is whether or not the $19M committed to Brantley via QO could be better used elsewhere.  What if the front office expects the free agent market to be frigid and also thinks they can “fix” Robbie Ray and Jurickson Profar into superstar level players?  If they think they can turn those two guys into a combined 8 war while paying them <$10M each, they’d be stupid to give Brantley that $20m instead.

    If they believe its a better use of those funds, Ok - but they better be right. Brantley's an almost guaranteed 3 to 4 WAR player.

  7. 3 minutes ago, ndawg said:

    "Trim the fat" is a terrible approach to reducing waste in private enterprises. What makes you think it would work for our government?

    I disagree with this point. I've worked for 2 Fortune 500 companies. Each company went through a period of downsizing and layoffs and in each, the first layoff was clearly easy. In all large organizations (including the government), there are people who aren't adding value, performing tasks inefficiently or doing things that aren't necessary especially if limited people are ever let go. I'm guessing the federal government has to have some of the same.

  8. I understand why the team wouldn't be in the market for Springer given he will likely receive a massive contract. However, if a major league owner is so strapped for cash, he can't afford to pay Michael Brantley for a one year qualifying offer then he needs to get out of the business. Brantley is an extremely consistent middle of the lineup bat and really doesn't cost that much.


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