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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornmpa96

  1. They should go to prison for deleting those messages after knowing the texts would be of interest to an ongoing congressional investigation.
  2. I view The Freshman as the 3rd Godfather movie
  3. It’s been getting worse since at least 1990. Too many people and mediocre wineries.
  4. That’s because the House passed the Women’s Health Protection Act in 2021 which codified the right to an abortion.
  5. All right - we’ve seen this pitcher now and it’s time to do some damage
  6. I’m in the Jim Carrey camp for Beto
  7. This seems like a mental health issue to me. We should ensure we have the appropriate amount of deliberations at an appropriate time. Now is not the time for politics. A Supreme Court Justice’s life was threatened.
  8. It’s because we are a one party state and only 3% of the Texas electorate votes in the Republican primary. If you win the R primary, you win the general. That 3% actively wants all of these carpetbaggers, etc. Maybe they wouldn’t vote for an Irishman and definitely not a Dutch person though.
  9. 10 on the turn
  10. Abbott’s livid that he was lied to but he’s not livid that 21 people lost their lives. What a shitty person.
  11. Raiser was a solid player. I jammed and was called by suited J/10. Thanks for the responses.
  12. Yep - the message is now - "We just need to enforce the gun laws that are on the books." If the shooter had only been arrested for carrying a gun on school property, none of this would have happened.
  13. I sent sternly worded emails to Cruz, Cornyn and Abbott. I'm expecting significant legislation any moment now.
  14. As an originalist, I think the citizens of Uvalde can tar and feather the commanding officer.
  15. I’ve always enjoyed Dickie Brennan’s Steakhouse if I want a break from seafood.
  16. As a business owner, can’t you enact the 21+ age limit on your own (ie, right to refuse service to anyone)?
  17. Played live for the first time in several years. I was in a small tournament with 26 runners. We were down to 11. Blinds were 3k/6k with a 6k BB ante. I have 39k in chips on the button and look down at a pair of 2s. Big stack in middle position raises to 12k. Should I wait for a better spot to put my stack in the middle?
  18. It’s even worse - After Parkland, Florida raised the minimum age for firearms purchases to 21 and enacted red flag laws. The Texas Rs are terrible. I’m beginning to think Greg Abbott’s deal with the devil requires him to bathe in the blood of children killed by guns.
  19. Unbelievable that the school was not put in lockdown while there was an active shooter outside. When we see the final timeline for this, it’s going to look similar to the Parkland timeline with several missed opportunities to save lives.
  20. Or alternatively not selling to people under 21?
  21. Are we sure WWS and Stanco are actually different people? This shit has entered into WWS level stupidity.
  22. You’re like a child who walked into the middle of a movie. Stop posting about me and my guns. There are various ideas which have been discussed in this thread which have nothing to do with your fucking guns. Some of these ideas include: raising the age limits for gun purchases, waiting periods, universal background checks, etc. We can’t even get simple common sense ideas passed because of simpletons like you screaming about your guns. Think about those 21 families in Uvalde who lost loved ones instead of your precious guns.
  23. What you are saying - your ownership and enjoyment of those guns is more significant than stopping school children from getting killed. In countries which banned these weapons after mass shootings, it’s shocking that the ban significantly reduces mass shootings.
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