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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by hornmpa96

  1. As you described, it sounds like 2020-2024 have gone as I’ve hoped. Under Democratic control, I’m hoping for our government to function again and pass simple things that a strong majority of Americans agree on: universal background checks for gun sales, allowing Medicare to negotiate with pharma companies to lower drug prices, reduce military spending to reasonable levels, smart criminal justice reform, a return to American leadership in global organizations and some unwinding of the Trump tax cuts which went to far.

    If a truly progressive candidate wins the Presidential primary, that’s going to be a tough sell. During this primary season, I decided I would vote for Bernie because he would be running against Trump. However, I would have definitely split my ballot at that point and Cornyn would have received my  disgusted vote for Senate. In your scenario, I probably split my ballot and vote for the hopefully non-racist Republican Presidential candidate and the Democratic moderate for Senate. I would be hoping for split Government and hoping for the 2 parties to find a way to work in a bipartisan way to solve problems.

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