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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornmpa96

  1. Win out in Non-conference and play in the Big 12 title game
  2. Sounds like the Aggie football women’s clinic
  3. I agree he’s a better coach than Ty Willingham. He also inherited Jake Locker at a program that has generally been an upper-tier Pac 12 team. I just don’t see an upgrade in this hire. There’s nothing in his resume as a head coach that excites me about this hire.
  4. Sark’s nickname at Washington was “7 Win Steve” - he didn’t even meet UH’s supposed standard
  5. Red always thought Charlie would be a great coordinator.
  6. If it’s Sark, CDC need to go - He’s already failed at a high profile job
  7. If it’s Sark, CDC need to go - He’s already failed at a high profile job
  8. Warren is absolutely right about this. However, I think the bill should go farther than eliminating trading in individual stocks. It should require all federal elected officials and Congressionally approved appointments to either hold assets in a blind trust or alternatively have an approved list of extremely broad based investments (eg, total stock market funds, etc.). The fact this doesn’t get traction reveals the current expectations of legislators to profit from insider trading.
  9. When you put out out the protein with the de-wormer, is it mixed with other protein feed in the feeder or is that the only feed in the feeder for that time? Are you buying the de-wormer protein feed in bags or bulk? I’ve been considering adding this to the protein regimen this year.
  10. While I agree no real search was conducted for many (possibly all) of those, we must admit if a search were done by outside consulting, Herman would have been at the top of the realistic list the year he was hired. (the Saban opportunity had passed) It looked the way it did because he was also at the top of LSU's list..they just moved a bit faster than we did. I don't disagree with this on Herman. However, if we had executed a search, then some of his flaws may have become apparent, another candidate may have emerged (similar to Mack vs Barnett), etc.
  11. It's not my job to figure out who should be the next coach at Texas. That's why the University pays CDC. It's the biggest decision he will have in his tenure here.
  12. The University simply isn't committed to winning titles. We've been more interested in being profitable. Our facilities aren't the best. Our strength and conditioning isn't championship level. We establish rules such as only hiring coaches with head coaching experience which prevented us from considering Stoops for example, When it comes to coaching searches, we generally do a terrible job. Post-Akers, we have hired: 1. David McWilliams - we found the closest connection to DKR available. No search was actually conducted. 2. John Mackovic - We went as far from DKR as possible. Not a championship level hire. 3. Mack Brown - Obviously, a great hire. However, it's hard to give the administration any credit here as they had to be talked down from hiring Gary Barnett who would have been Mackovic Jr. 4. Charlie Strong - The administration didn't want to take any chances on getting turned down and so hired someone who would definitely accept. 5. Tom Herman - Boosters panicked because their chosen one was going to LSU. No search was conducted. Go out and find the best coach. One who can recruit and cares about the process of getting better every day. One who doesn't look at the program as a chance to enrich his buddies and cares more about winning then just about anything else. One who understands you shouldn't talk about national championships until you can win conference championships.
  13. I won’t leave the volume on my car radio at 13.
  14. I’m guessing between 5 and 7. When he’s looking straight at you, he has a massive neck going back to September. Also, I have pics of him from late in the Summer with a beer gut and a little sway to his back. This is our second season on this ranch and I’m trying to improve my aging skills.
  15. That’s a cool looking old buck.
  16. Well he made an appearance this morning and my dad dropped him right in the sendero. He ended up scoring 160.5.
  17. At the ranch this weekend and trying to get my dad an opportunity at this deer
  18. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/11/stimulus-update-biden-seeks-deal-in-lame-duck-session.html What are your thoughts on the potential compromise on the covid stimulus bill? It's extremely clear that a significant number of people need help as we look towards having a vaccine come through. Personally, I believe Pelosi/Schumer have to hold out and get some stimulus for state and local governments. From a purely economic perspective, these are significant employers which have revenue losses due to the virus. Without stimulus, these governments will likely be required to reduce employment. The House and Senate Democrats need to make this about keeping police and firefighters employed. Will Mitch budge or is everyone playing chicken until the Georgia senate elections?
  19. Can I at least get one reference to beating Trump like a dog in Biden’s inauguration speech?
  20. I checked the local Walmart and they had about 10 boxes of 308 150 grain. Almost everything else was gone. On my next trip to the ranch, I may need to stop at various Walmarts to see if I can find any 270 or the ammo my 308 is sighted in to use (165 grain).
  21. Finally impacted by the ammo shortage. I can't find 270 or 308 ammo anywhere in Houston or online. Carter's Country told me that most of the raw materials come from China which has impacted supply and obviously demand is through the roof.
  22. I like to grill skewers of sliced heart and serve with chimichurri.
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