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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornmpa96

  1. AHB already mentioned the ones which could have been prevented with an appropriate red flag law: Parkland, Sutherland Springs, Sandy Hook, etc. Certainly we won’t stop everyone short of confiscation. Have we decided it’s not worth the effort to try and come up with something that would save a few school kids a year?
  2. To me your post reads as follows: We won’t stop all of the mass shootings so let’s not try and stop the ones where it may be possible. AHB already mentioned all of the mass shooters who were on the radar of law enforcement and mental health providers.
  3. Completely agree on holding gun owners responsible
  4. I’m fairly close to the point where I’m OK with a licensing process for gun ownership treating it similar to concealed carry laws. Want to own guns? Get some education in safety and proper storage, a mental health check and get licensed. I know a lot of fellow gun owners will hate this, but we need to find a way to weed out the irresponsible and mentally ill from having easy access.
  5. Nice to see Colonel Trautmann is on Surly.
  6. Zavala
  7. I second this recommendation. I had a youth hunt earlier this year at my place run by the Texas Youth Hunting Program and it was extremely well run and managed. We had 4 kids and they took 7 does and a few hogs off the place. It was also a lot of fun to guide the hunters as well.
  8. My first deer was a spike that was originally thought a doe. I still have those tiny antlers in my home office 30 years later.
  9. Finally joined the ranks of bow hunters today. This deer went 1000 yards with an arrow through both lungs and his liver but we found him with some hounds.
  10. The extra practices would be good for the players surviving the purge.
  11. Zavala
  12. View from my blind this afternoon
  13. Even my dad who stated that Democrats are trying to oppress Americans at Thanksgiving dinner today and informed me that he’s getting his news from Newsmax now has admitted out loud that Trump has been lying his ass off about the 2020 election.
  14. And you’re a fucking moron. I’d rather be angry.
  15. As I said dumbass, the correct legal verdict was rendered. Stop pretending he’s a good kid. He’s a piece of crap and him showing up at a violent protest open carrying resulted in deaths. Was your UT degree in basket weaving?
  16. He’s still a piece of shit every day. You lose credibility defending him. I don’t give a shit about the people he killed and he shouldn’t have been there in the first place. The correct legal verdict was rendered but can we please stop acting like this piece of crap is a hero?
  17. Ahh similar to Dick Cheney running the Iraq war? Still looking for any positive accomplishments from a sitting VP
  18. Before he became President?
  19. Who the fuck cares about the VP? Name one VP that had a significant accomplishment in office. I can’t recall one.
  20. I’ve been strongly considering retirement. Work sucks.
  21. Back at the ranch after missing last weekend for work.
  22. Awesome - Let’s fucking go
  23. You’re Batman!
  24. When you can’t hit on any of your draft picks, do they have any value?
  25. First, you cook a chicken and make homemade chicken stock. Then you make a roux.
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