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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornmpa96

  1. Your Party is trying to take control of the Senate and you give him that sound bite. Just terrible
  2. Why do you think there are 2 sides left in the party? Its the party of Trump now and that's why his approval rate within is greater than 90%. He ran off the Republicans with principles. As Jim Acosta said, the only people left are "true believers and next of kin." Will suburban women and college graduates flock back to this party? It may only be possible if we start seeing the enablers pulled into the streets and treated like the Nazi sympathizers in Holland.
  3. Also, how many of the 42% of the Trump votes in Harris County in 2016 were college educated voters who are avoiding Trump in droves? I think that demographic is going to increase Biden's margin in Harris county as compared to 2016.
  4. I agree with most of this. From my perspective, more efficient government is being fiscally conservative. I would like to see decreased federal spending across the board including the military. Additionally, I agree with having higher taxes for corporations and wealthy individuals as we have allowed the tax system to essentially become welfare for the wealthy. Basically, our government utilizes its resources extremely poorly and I hope for it to do better. I'm going out to vote at lunch today and will be voting straight ticket blue for the first time in my life. I've come to the conclusion that the Democratic Party is more fiscally conservative than the party of Trump as they actually want to try and pay for a few things.
  5. I live in Lizzie’s district. Lots of Lizzie signs in the neighborhood as compared to Wesley. He’s also running ads saying he will protect people with preexisting conditions. Lizzie’s ads are doing a good job of tying him to Trump. I think she holds on the district.
  6. I have no concerns with private sector unions. With a private business, management and the union have the ability to negotiate and enter into an agreement which should be acceptable for both sides. Most of the complaints I see regarding private sector union contracts relate to management making poor decisions. From my perspective, caveat emptor. If you get taken advantage of, don't come running for support. Public sector unions are something else entirely. The politicians who are supposedly negotiating on behalf of the public are receiving campaign contributions at the same time from the union who sits across the other side of the table. That is a ridiculous conflict of interest. In my mind, public sector unions should be required to give up its ability to engage in political activity to keep its right to collectively bargain. Under the current rules, the unions essentially are paying the other side of the negotiating table.
  7. Todos Santos is a cool place. I'm 10 minutes from the western edge of their fence. Since I started hunting in South Texas last year, I've moved to the high shoulder shot location. Executed properly, the deer drop where they stand. It only takes one time tracking a deer through the thick brush that you decide to change shot locations. I like shoulder roasts, but I prefer not sticking my body with a thousand thorns more.
  8. There it is - He went full Otter. I’m not going to allow people to denigrate the USA.
  9. This is a shitshow. They need to cancel the next 2 debates. This is worthless.
  10. Let’s get some runs here and make it 17 straight for the Twins
  11. It’s really a small world - isn’t it?
  12. I’m in Eastern Zavala county close to the Frio county line south of the Leona River between Batesville and Dilley off of 117.
  13. I wish hog numbers were down on my place. I’m seeing 2 times as many as last year on my game cameras. Thanks for the response.
  14. Great weather for the survey. Just curious, about what percentage of deer do you see doing the survey now as compared to later in the year? i schedule my survey for December so there is not as much foliage but it leaves me starting the season guessing on harvest numbers.
  15. Totally agree with you on the politics of this. Biden's focus should be that the report shows Trump doesn't pay any taxes and its because he's a horrible business person. He turns millions into bankruptcy.
  16. Except Trump likely didn't pay what he legally owes - Everyone is focused on the consulting payment to Ivanka and the 70k for hairstyling, but those weren't the interesting things in the NY Times piece to this CPA. His claimed abandonment loss on his casino business which resulted in his NOL carryback and $70 MM tax refund appears highly questionable. To take that loss, he had to really abandon his interests, but in the bankruptcy, he ended up receiving shares in the restructured business after he abandoned his interest. That's a problem and why the Joint Committee on Taxation hasn't officially approved his refund. That amount could come due at any time plus interest. Another item which raised an eyebrow was treating their NY estate as an investment property when the family basically describes it as a second home in publicly available interviews. By doing this, he creates another set of questionable deductions. Additionally, I'm guessing the conservation easement on the property is complete bullshit as those deductions are ripe for abuse. Trump has never seen a line he wouldn't cross and has zero morals or ethics. His income taxes are no different than the rest of his miserable piece of shit life.
  17. I expect Joe to use the My Cousin Vinny rebuttal to every Trump answer - "Everything that guy said is bullshit"
  18. Exactly - A narrow Democratic majority puts Joe Manchin, Jon Tester and Krysten Sinema in a significant position of power. I really wish I could add Doug Jones to that list as he seems an incredibly decent human being, but Bama is going to be Bama.
  19. Where’s the other picture with that Axis in the back of your truck?
  20. I’m terrible at interneting so no link. However, the Louisville Courier Journal has posted the entire statement from the Kentucky AG provided today in which discusses the results of both ballistics reports (FBI and Kentucky).
  21. Earlier in the thread, it was mentioned that the AG reported in the announcement that ballistics demonstrated that the two officers who entered the apartment were the only ones to actually hit Breonna. The other officer who decided to spray bullets through the patio door which was in front of closed blinds didn't actually hit her and therefore couldn't be charged with homicide. I like your idea of preventing grand juries from considering defenses such as self-defense and justification. That should be a question for an actual jury to decide. Also, while no-knock warrants were eliminated, I also think consideration should be given to the laws regarding the execution of a warrant such as this. This warrant was executed in the most dangerous manner (e.g., late at night, without body cameras on, ambulance sent home, etc.).
  22. Was he wearing an Adrian Petersen OU Jersey? That would provide an authentic fair experience.
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