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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornmpa96

  1. Also I wasn’t aware of the protesters gathering in bars after the protests or going to concerts. I guess I missed that.
  2. Why did the Mets trade Taylor for Marisnick? Was it to upgrade their flow?
  3. I just don't get the absolute anger on this. Sign stealing using technology and relaying it to the batter in real time has been going on since at least 1940. Hank Greenberg, Bobby Thomson, etc. One of the most famous moments in the game resulted from stealing signs. Baseball essentially allowed the technology to exist to steal signs and utilized the honor system to monitor potential cheating. It's only shocking that more players haven't pulled a Fiers and tattled on their prior teams. I understand the anger at the lack of player suspensions, but that was the deal. Also, Joe Kelly's still a little bitch for throwing high.
  4. Fisher benefited from having Bud Adams as his owner for many of years. Bud would never fire him and pay out the rest of his contract. How many of Fisher’s winning seasons were in the last 2 years of his contract? He’s the Albert Haynesworth of coaches.
  5. Just to get this back on the first page - Chicken Fried Backstrap - It always hits the spot. Apologies for my terrible camera skills - it looked right on my phone
  6. Leftover smoked feral hog nachos
  7. Was it worth his life? Obviously, my answer is yes.
  8. This was a series of terrible decisions on everyone’s part. The decision to drive drunk, the decision to resist and take the taser. Also, the decision to chase after him and shoot him appear piss poor to me. When he takes the taser and runs, what was the purpose of the chase? They have his license information and could have towed his car, filed their reports and had him arrested later when he was sober. if the decision to shoot him is inline with police training, the training needs to be changed. The threat of him driving drunk was already dealt with. They are making life and death decisions when they unholster their weapon and based on this video, I don’t think this officer should be trusted making those decisions.
  9. Watching that 1980 game reminded me how much the game has changed. Does anyone choke up on the bat anymore? Rose and Bowa choked up several inches for every swing trying to slap hits by the infield. With the Astros down 2-1, Virdon lets Ken Forsch lead off the 7th inning and he gets a single. Tug McGraw gets a 3 inning save. Oh well - We have Nolan going in Game 2. I was 7 during this series so I don’t remember any of it unlike 1986 which is burned into my memory right next to the GD Oilers/Bills playoff game. It’s time to start drinking now after thinking about those 2 events.
  10. Anyone else watching the 1980 NLCS on AT&T Sportsnet? Keith Jackson and Howard Coesell on the call.
  11. I still need my fried fish, fried okra and mashed potatoes with brown gravy. It’s probably the only restaurant meal still available that reminds me of my childhood. I hope the sale works out and they don’t change those items.
  12. Please, please resign Springer!
  13. He just wanted to make sure the bunker had enough bronzer for a couple of days.
  14. I just finished Season 1 last night and glad I decided to read this thread before starting Season 2. Since I’m aware of the change in focus, I won’t waste time wondering why it changed and just enjoy the show.
  15. Not shocking - Cornyn defending one of the most heinous acts by a President in my lifetime. Attacking American citizens for a photo op. This by itself should result in a new Texas senator next year.
  16. I removed Kelly and Hickenlooper. Added Bullock, McGrath, and Harrison.
  17. As you described, it sounds like 2020-2024 have gone as I’ve hoped. Under Democratic control, I’m hoping for our government to function again and pass simple things that a strong majority of Americans agree on: universal background checks for gun sales, allowing Medicare to negotiate with pharma companies to lower drug prices, reduce military spending to reasonable levels, smart criminal justice reform, a return to American leadership in global organizations and some unwinding of the Trump tax cuts which went to far. If a truly progressive candidate wins the Presidential primary, that’s going to be a tough sell. During this primary season, I decided I would vote for Bernie because he would be running against Trump. However, I would have definitely split my ballot at that point and Cornyn would have received my disgusted vote for Senate. In your scenario, I probably split my ballot and vote for the hopefully non-racist Republican Presidential candidate and the Democratic moderate for Senate. I would be hoping for split Government and hoping for the 2 parties to find a way to work in a bipartisan way to solve problems.
  18. Until 2016, I was a lifelong Republican. In 2016, I couldn’t vote for either Trump or Clinton and so I threw away my vote on Gary Johnson. All of my concerns about a Trump Presidency have been realized and I’ve been extremely embarrassed by the Senate Republicans who enable his madness. In 2018, I voted for Beto and Lizzie Fletcher in Houston but stuck with several other Republicans (Abbott and Judge Emmett). After the mishandling of Covid-19 and the protests, I will simplify my vote and vote straight D. I’ve also decided I want to see the D’s in charge of the Federal Gov’t for the next several years. In that regard, I am going to throw dollars at promising D Senate candidates. As of now, I have Kelly, Hickenlooper, Gideon, Jones, Cunningham on my list. Who else should be on the list (Bollier from Kansas)? I will also donate to Hegar or West depending on who wins the primary. I guess I’m a George Will Republican. They need to be punished for abandoning their responsibility to the Republic.
  19. If Clemens doesn't bean Switzer and Toby Keith, I will be very disappointed
  20. If there is a hell, JoePa is there watching tapes of Sandusky raping his children and grandchildren on a permanent loop.
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