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  1. Most episodes of all these Star Wars Disney+ series seem to be about 10 minutes too short. We wait two years for the next installment, and get 6-8 short episodes. [exception IMO is Andor and a few Mandalorian episodes]
  2. Murfdogg21


    We should bring in another kicker next season regardless of the next game(s), but it wouldn't surprise me if we had a Rodney Terry situation where you "have to" bring him back if he makes a clutch kick in the championship game.
  3. We’re just cheering for multiple second half targeting ejections now, right?
  4. Murfdogg21


    It would be a sign of making an effort if he rolled out in Cotton Bowl with a buzz cut. Might actually be enough to reboot his psyche.
  5. The haircut is pretty on point for Guy Gardner, but why is he like 60 years old???
  6. NFL coaches have contracts, and if they attempt to move there is required compensation (e.g. Belichick with Jets, Gruden with Raiders, Payton with Saints). NFL players have contracts (yes they can hold out or demand trades, but the latest CBA stiffened penalties on holdouts, and the players will lose pay). NCAA coaches have contracts as well. None of these 3 groups are free to quit on their team midseason and go hunting for the highest bidder. The current state of NCAA player free agency could use revision (make direct pay or NIL as multi year contracts, bring back the rule of sitting out a year if you transfer, limiting players to one transfer per 4 years, or some other better plan). It’s hard to build cohesive and consistent programs with this level of annual roster turnover. And why is “college” football still associated with universities when student athlete is now a farce? This is probably not the point of your exchange. Apologies for the tangent.
  7. Putting R&D in the hands of universities rather than (mostly) private for-profit companies with patent protection? This reminds of the former NSF director’s quote that more or less said “if the NIH had been put in charge of treating polio, the US would’ve developed the best iron lung in the world, but never a polio vaccine.”
  8. Who cares if you define this offense as “pro style.” Every offense prefers to run the ball if the run game is working. Spurrier’s Fun’n’Gun and Urban’s spread offenses both produced a lot of rushing yards and NFL caliber running backs. It’s how you control the clock and grind opponents down. But when the run game is ineffective, elite QBs can put the team on their back. Quinn is more of an excellent bus driver to guide the offense as long as things are going well. As long as Quinn is our QB, we collectively hold our breath that the run game works and/or we get up multiple scores on our opponents so we don’t need a transcendent QB to go win the game in the 4th quarter.
  9. Probably because Mack is a greater threat to the program’s future than the next couple games by Quinn.
  10. Rasputin was just hanging around to support in an unofficial capacity.
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