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Everything posted by Murfdogg21

  1. So which two of Curry, KD, and Klay were worse than Draymond during his oscillations? Or Curry, Klay, and Wiggins? He was a critical cog and also a punk bitch. Pretty soon he’ll be an old bitch. Tough times ahead to any franchise that pays him over $20M per year. No kidding. The Warriors made this like a national political story. When clearly guilty, deflect by attacking how the evidence was improperly obtained!
  2. He might have been 6 when the Empire took his sister to be a brothel space hooker, and for all we know he was running his own little theft and vandalism missions against Empire targets the whole time.
  3. As a Rocket fan, I hoped that Chet wasn’t the player to fall to #3 because I was scared he’d be frequently injured and may not be strong enough to match up with big 4’s and 5’s. I assumed the same position about VW until his last two outings. Now I’m all about the tank effort to land this French unicorn. Can we get John Wall and Russ Westbrook back to lead this noble effort? I will dream to myself of a lineup of Jalen Green, Jabari Smith, Wembanyama, Sengun, Eason, TyTy, and whoever they bring in with their mega cap space.
  4. Rik Smits looked like a sloth and wouldn’t have been shit if not for the extremely talented and deep roster he played with. That Pacers team in the 90s was sick.
  5. Draymond is like Robert Horry riding side car to real stars while winning multiple championships, except unlike Horry he is a arrogant piece of shit who believes himself worthy of max dollars. Maybe he’s the gay love child of Horry and Vernon Maxwell?
  6. I look forward to Episode 19 when they actually attempt the heist!
  7. In my view, the over zealous evangelicals are hypocrites to pick and choose which verses to cling to for literal interpretation but not others, and plainly ignore many of the principal teachings of Christ when it comes to loving your neighbors, not judging, focus on helping others before yourself, etc. I concurrently think the other side is wrong to think these evangelicals should throw open their arms to embrace and celebrate what they (the evangelicals) believe to be sinful behavior. Should they celebrate adultery or theft too? There’s a middle ground where you can try to respect everyone, practice charity toward all, and do what you can to improve yourself while living as a good example to others. The world has enough problems without several factions hating others over a religion based on showing love to everyone. But that is just the libertarian in me that would get lightning bolted by the head of the southern baptist convention. I’m still waiting for Joel Osteen to donate his fortune to a charitable cause to avoid having to cram his golden camel ass through the eye of that needle…
  8. Texas 62 OU 24 Bijan + Worthy = 313 yards
  9. Will Rogers and Jim Thorpe seemed like good people.
  10. Down in Norman Their wife, sister, and cousin All the same person
  11. Have you never seen weird shit happen when a backup QB comes in and the opponent goes with a previously unseen game plan that causes our defense fits? See: 2021 OU when we shut them down until they pulled Rattler and went with dual threat QB who ran all over us. I didn’t say it would happen. I meant if we lose, it will be something like that.
  12. My concern isn’t scoring points. It is: 1. Random, unpredicted bullshit in the form of horseshit calls by the refs and turnovers. 2. If OU runs for 300 yards on us again and we can’t do shit about it.
  13. Remember Bomar? Sam Bradford has fucked up eyes New QB concussed
  14. Oklahoma is Cherokee for trailer trash Toothless shitheads all
  15. “Yea though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death…”
  16. Can we interest her in Stillwater or Manhattan, KS? 😆 My sister (B.S. at UT) did vet at aggy (the 8-10 longhorns in her class wore burnt orange scrubs every Friday), but came close to picking Kansas State.
  17. Spite has a price tag, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Bud had a stipulation in his will that his descendants could not sell the Oilers rights to a team in Houston. Goodell and the other NFL owners could use pressure and leverage to make it happen if they were so inclined. I don’t think anyone, even Titans fans, can honestly say the world and NFL is better off without the nickname Oilers and those uniforms in Houston. Bob McNair incorrectly assumed it was better to start with a clean slate after the bad taste Adams and raccoon toupee left in Houstonians’ mouths. The McNair family’s pride makes them not want to make a change either.
  18. In that case I guess I’ll just humble myself and have my wife ask him for one of his five log on addresses
  19. I am also in biotech and have had similar experiences with companies from California and Massachusetts. They think of all Texans as aggy who majored in meat judging.
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