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Everything posted by Murfdogg21

  1. And then Kylo Ren uses the mask as a masturbation receptacle.
  2. I think it was revenge…she was going to murder Anakin’s kid. It’s not quite the same as the Raiders of the Lost Ark bit where the story was pointless (because if Indiana Jones had not been in the movie, everything would have worked out the exact same), but this entire series entirely hinges on Reva kidnapping Leia as part of a greater plan to kill Vader. She ends up pointlessly trying to stab him in the back, which she could have done at any time during the past several years. What was the point of it all? And when in the fifth episode when Obi Wan offered to team up and give her the best opportunity for success, she rejected it just to do what she could have all along.
  3. [Continuity bitching]: Why does Obi Wan tell Luke in RTJ that he has to face and kill Vader and seem disappointed when Luke tells him he can’t….after Obi Wan chose not to kill Anakin on Mustafar, and didn’t kill him in this series when he had the chance to do it over?
  4. Of course the show had some problems, but if the choice is to have this content or not, hell yes I’ll take as much Obi Wan and Vader as they will create.
  5. We went to the Cardinals game at Fenway on Sunday. It felt bizarre wearing a sweatshirt to a baseball game in June.
  6. These writers must’ve been trying to one up each other on the depravity this season.
  7. “He’s a dick boy, fascinated with penii; Hates 4Loko, and Republicans too. He’s an ambulance chaser, an amateur artist; Loves ANTIFA, BLM, and cocks.” I never knew what was gayer, his penis-centric MS Paints or the legions of fan boys that jacked off to them. I gave him the benefit of the doubt until helped kill OG 4Loko.
  8. Now show us Brady wearing the creamsicles this year!
  9. If you want to rationalize it, age wise this is probably his peak. Early 30’s, been studying the dark side for ten years. By the OT, he was in his 40’s and been on a respirator for 20 years. He still whooped mortals’ asses in Rogue One and mostly beat Luke’s ass. Didn’t Disney say they are already using an AI version of JEJ’s voice in this series? I don’t think he recorded anything new. Plot hole (?): if she was going to foolishly attack Vader one-on-one, why now and not literally any time before now? Kenobi offered a tag team which would have been her best bet, but she turned it down and then attempted a foolish play. She might as well have just started putting bombs in his crapper dome thing where he hangs out while on his star destroyer. Will her next play be to try to steal Luke to give her another chance to kill Vader (now or later on)…even though she just passed on Kenobi’s offer to team up? Or go full dark side and try to steal Luke to win back Vader’s favor? There’s no way she tells Vader or that an Inquisitor finds out about Luke, because Vader wouldn’t have let that shit sit around for 9 years (and not think it’s a coincidence when Leia drops the droids with Death Star plans off on Tatooine). I’m afraid this story is about to make even less sense…and every scene/interaction young Leia has with Ben makes her behavior in Episode 4 (and not telling Luke about it before ESB or ROTJ) very bizarre.
  10. Apparently my wife has now committed her and me to attending the game with BIL and Bama alumna, so y’all let me know about those Texas Exes hookups for a four pack.
  11. I was asking if the new expansion franchise would get the trademark rights to the SuperSonics/Sonics, not if the city of Seattle deserved or could get a team.
  12. I think it was their CB AJ Terrell, not Pitts. But still a better deal than with Cleveland.
  13. Or anyone in 8-13 that would be willing to flip flop #17 if we throw in Wood or Gordon.
  14. We went to Corkscrew in Old Town Spring today. Brisket was very good, but the beef rib was disappointingly dried out. Their potato salad was more like super garlic chunky mashed potatoes. Mac’n’cheese and peach and apple cobblers were strong.
  15. [Ep. III rant]: Why did Yoda think it was a good idea to face Palpatine alone instead of with Obi Wan? They were both already on Coruscant, and if one or both of them died in a fight with Palpatine, Anakin had only been on the Dark Side for about 5 minutes so how bad ass of a Sith would he really have become? Also, the whole point would have been to destroy the Empire before it ever formed by cutting off its head.
  16. It would be nice to find some catchers who would bring us out of the worst batting average of all team’s catcher position in MLB history.
  17. If Braums ever made it as far south as north Houston, it would become my family’s most visited fast food burger/ice cream restaurant without question. Texas (south of Dallas) can’t seem to support Okie FF (Braums, Taco Bueno).
  18. How do they fuck up a Jurassic Park movie with dinosaurs, Alan Grant, Star Lord, and Goldblum? You’d think they could mad libs a decent plot out of that combo.
  19. Homelander will laser Hughie’s dick off right as Butcher fires the ultimate weapon. Starlight’s top will disintegrate. Win win win.
  20. Tonight was my boys’ first MLB game in person. Thanks Garcia, Maldonado, Bregman, and everybody else who sucked ass.
  21. In Rogue One, Mon Mothma knows Obi Wan is alive and that Bail knows where he is. She asks him to contact Obi Wan, and Bail tells her he will send Leia. I’m sure he provided more intel to Leia then than relying on her memories as a 9 year old during an abduction crisis. They (Star Wars) probably won’t be able to explain why her greeting to him is so awkward given what happened in this series, but it’s the cost of new content set between two fixed points of canon.
  22. Lance Zierlein said yesterday that the behind the scenes story was the deal was done to Atlanta (3 firsts and a recent first round player) and they had a Skype champagne toast with Falcons people and Deshaun and his agent. Without having done full due diligence but being in a panic, Cleveland called Deshaun’s agent later that night and offered the $230M fully guaranteed, protected for suspensions, and structured to minimize the fine Deshaun might incur from suspension in 2022. They said YEP! and concocted that preposterous story that Deshaun “had a change of heart” overnight and through Cleveland was a better team for him. After all his bitching about the Texans, in the end it was just about getting more money. And Cleveland is likely going to get their taint violated.
  23. In an unforeseen twist, it turns out @wutang75’s daughter used to post on here as @NowThis.
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