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Everything posted by Murfdogg21

  1. I’m hopeful they have the microchip capacity issues worked out (and society still exists) by the time my Bronco reservation number finally gets call in approximately 2025 😆 Broncos are absolutely part of what was being referenced in the article above. There is some infamous train yard in Detroit with thousands of 2021….errr 2022 (….errr 2023?) Broncos sitting there complete but without chips. People with reservations and PO’s can go stare at their car through the chain link fence and visit on holidays.
  2. Maybe this is what they were shooting for with The Last Jedi before ryann ran the franchise off the rails? I thought this show was awesome so far.
  3. What happens if a “retired” coach returns a few years later? Sean Payton says he wants to coach, and all the media keeps jumping on “how much compensation will a new team have to pay the Saints because he still had two years left on his contract?!” Presumably Payton wouldn’t want his new team to lose one or more first round picks. So what if he just shows up at the Superdome and says “honey I’m home!” If he’s still under contract that would be violated if he coached another team, doesn’t that mean the Saints would have to pay him if showed back up?
  4. The good old days were Saturday nights with Ron Franklin and Mike Patrick.
  5. I assume they will have some de-aged flashbacks like in the Obi Wan show. Maybe we will get treated to a post-ROTJ ghost appearance like “oh btw I’m good again and I have this kid named Luke that you should meet!”
  6. That comes every day of his life after he runs out of eligibility.
  7. NBA players are the most soft and spoiled of all pro athletes. Why should they get paid millions to feign mental health any time they have a disagreement with their team or want traded or the going just gets too tough? I agree they should be able to get real help and time if they need legitimately need it, but they should read up on the FMLA that the rest of America deals with when we have any health issues that keep us from performing the work we are being paid to do. Ben Simmons 2021-2022 should be the only example needed to shut this shit down.
  8. Love for big bombs: a father and son tradition!
  9. Texas 26, Tech 24 169 WR receiving yards
  10. Texas @ Iowa State 2003. RIP Dave Lapham
  11. What kind of tailgate are they running over there? Next time you might consider Deep Eddy.
  12. Lowell Galindo is what you get when the University Co-op creates a knock-off version of Joe Buck inseminated by Chris Collinsworth, like their fake off-brands of hats and tshirts.
  13. Let’s see the refs paystubs!
  14. Galindo has always been a no talent, fuckstick pole smoker. ESPN spent all the money on paying UT, so they had to find announcers willing to work for free.
  15. This reminded me of Mike Price and “oh, it’s rolling, baby!”
  16. So Mr. Gatti’s is catering? The early 2000’s Texas Football throwback tour is going well so far!
  17. Few people if any know that SynTex, author of the infamous 2004 BCS calculations, also did undergrad at A&M.
  18. Can we finally address his dyslexia and how he pronounces his last name?
  19. How’d y’all forget volcano planet?
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