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Everything posted by Murfdogg21

  1. It would be ridiculous if a woman judge arbitrated on Watson’s behalf and gave him 6 games (or fewer or none). Watson should be punished for his actions, and it seems all that may happen is he loses $1.035M and get paid roughly $75M during 2021 and 2022 to not play a snap. Pretty rough. The real people feeling the punishment will be Browns fans and teammates when he can’t play. The other thing floating around is the Texans being punished for hooking him up with the Houstonian room (possible loss of draft picks)…which would really only punish the fans. The McNairs (if they even had any blame in it) will still get their sellout games and tv money. Bill O’Brien was HC and GM and is long gone. The Texans’ president resigned after Caserio took over so he’s gone, and I think I heard the former director of security who gave Watson the standard form NDA is also gone.
  2. I’m pretty sure we traded this future Wizards asset to OKC as part of the deal to draft Sengun last year. In all likelihood we will lose our 2024 pick to OKC, so it would be super if the ‘23-24 Nets suck and we still get a very good pick while our ‘21 and ‘22 draft talent is just hitting its stride.
  3. He only gave the Rockets back $6.5M, because that’s what he expects to pick up as MLE from the Clippers.
  4. Did you combine his ashes with the couch’s in a single receptacle?
  5. So now Kylie’s going to opt-in and stay with the Nets? Damn it was fun for a moment, as a Rockets/Texans fan, watching a diva superstar clown on someone else’s team and benefit us via their draft capital.
  6. Well at least they have Ben Simmons as their anchor, assuming his video game playing depression is resolved. If we end up pick swapping in ‘23, it’s because the Nets are really bad (lost both KD and Kyrie) or the Rockets did better than expected, or both. In ‘24 we will lose our pick to OKC, so here’s to hoping the 2023-2024 Nets blow ass and we get a top 5 pick that year too.
  7. I don’t speak for all Christians, but I take the Bible more as a guide and historical reference than a rule book.
  8. Lesbian sexing encouraged as long as they are more Portia and less Ellen.
  9. You’re going to need a gallon of aloe if aggy is burning you on grammar.
  10. Fluid volume is generated by the seminal vesicles and the prostate, not the nuts. Did your stripper wife not teach you sexual anatomy? Also, big sad about lack of Starlight titties and beaver.
  11. Was that the same Termite guy when Homelander landed in Vermont?
  12. She was still hurt. She was hobbling up to the Lars compound, and Owen kept hitting or grabbing her side and she’d about topple over.
  13. And then Kylo Ren uses the mask as a masturbation receptacle.
  14. I think it was revenge…she was going to murder Anakin’s kid. It’s not quite the same as the Raiders of the Lost Ark bit where the story was pointless (because if Indiana Jones had not been in the movie, everything would have worked out the exact same), but this entire series entirely hinges on Reva kidnapping Leia as part of a greater plan to kill Vader. She ends up pointlessly trying to stab him in the back, which she could have done at any time during the past several years. What was the point of it all? And when in the fifth episode when Obi Wan offered to team up and give her the best opportunity for success, she rejected it just to do what she could have all along.
  15. [Continuity bitching]: Why does Obi Wan tell Luke in RTJ that he has to face and kill Vader and seem disappointed when Luke tells him he can’t….after Obi Wan chose not to kill Anakin on Mustafar, and didn’t kill him in this series when he had the chance to do it over?
  16. Of course the show had some problems, but if the choice is to have this content or not, hell yes I’ll take as much Obi Wan and Vader as they will create.
  17. We went to the Cardinals game at Fenway on Sunday. It felt bizarre wearing a sweatshirt to a baseball game in June.
  18. These writers must’ve been trying to one up each other on the depravity this season.
  19. “He’s a dick boy, fascinated with penii; Hates 4Loko, and Republicans too. He’s an ambulance chaser, an amateur artist; Loves ANTIFA, BLM, and cocks.” I never knew what was gayer, his penis-centric MS Paints or the legions of fan boys that jacked off to them. I gave him the benefit of the doubt until helped kill OG 4Loko.
  20. Now show us Brady wearing the creamsicles this year!
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