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Everything posted by PencilPusher

  1. Live look at Zach Smith's career......
  2. Of course he is. His father was a mudder. His mother was a mudder. Loves the slop....eats the slop.
  3. Damn, if the Texans are playing in the ACC championship game, I'd give them better odds to beat Clemson or whoever comes out of that league.......
  4. The only reason the Ags are doing this is because we've had success with it. God forbid the teasips have something successful that they don't have.
  5. Wake me when Ohio State starts having adults run their institution of higher learning. The whole disclosing that Tom Herman went to the titter with Smith reeks of what I have to deal with when one of my kids does something wrong, they will then turn around and tell on the other about something they did 2 weeks ago like drop an f bomb or something which is usually immaterial to the issue at hand. And of course I call them out on their bullshit. I get it when a 10 year old does it, but I have zero tolerance for supposedly college educated adults doing it. And I would be careful as a rival school having my coaches or minions like Taylor Hamm making a big deal about the strip club thing. If I was ever asked that question as a parent or listened to a coach make that claim about a rival school, my immediate response would be "And your coaches have never done that?". If they said no, I'd call whoever making that claim a liar to their face - doubly so if they were Baylor coaches..
  6. Woodard clearly went to the Urban Meyer school of media relations, at least as it relates to coming up with a half-assed excuse to attempt to save face. He just got his ass handed to him by the media after clearly releasing this story to try to puff up A&M as being above playing UT and it was a complete failure. CDC basically said we made a legit offer, it was rebuffed, and we have now scheduled 15 years out with better programs. Woodard is left looking weak, and well frankly like little brother. As David Byrne said......same as it ever was
  7. Gunther's was a client of mine when I worked for a local Austin accounting firm in college. Knew Gunther very well as I did his books and delivered payroll every week on Friday. He was an interesting guy....originally opened a Gunther's in El Paso, but believe when he got divorced, his ex wife got that restaurant, so he moved to Austin and opened it up here. Would always sit and drink at the bar after dropping off the weekly payroll, which is how I got exposed to the virtues of German beer as they generally had Spaten and Paulaner on tap, which in late 80's/early 90's Austin was uncommon. Best mashed potatoes I have ever eaten - watched him make them with loads of cream and butter. This was my go to place in college to impress a date because of the fact that I knew everyone there and would get treated like a high roller. Also learned a lot of German bierhall songs as they had live music every Fri/Sat night, so when I went to Munich after college, I could sing all of the songs in places like the Hofbrau house and thus was very popular with the frauleins. Gunther closed it right after I moved to Houston in the mid 90's and retired up right outside of Knoxville. I visited him a couple of times as I had a client near there and we would drink a a few beers and reminisce.
  8. If you're one of us, you'll take a bite
  9. The Wreck of the Andrew Fitzgerald by Austin folk singer Thomas Hermfoot......That's gold Jerry...Gold!
  10. So to further blow your minds, absent the decade of dominance they had on us from 1984-1994 when we only won 1 of 11 (statistical anomaly courtesy of Fedex mind you), the series has pretty much followed historical norms in terms of winning percentage from 1971 or whatever period the Ags want to start from.
  11. Really?...thought he just did it for the nookie.........
  12. I wouldn't go that far. Prior to Grier going out (in the first quarter) and WV turning the ball over at our goal line as a result, we had two drives for 14 yards. Had Grier not gotten hurt and WVU scored that TD, it might have been a different game. Clearly we played well from that point forward, but I can't say we would have won without that injury. Grier might be the best QB we see all year.
  13. The more I think about this, I believe this is the proverbial equivalent CDC running his nutsack across Scott Woodard's forehead. CDC probably knew the answer when he called and now the fact that this story has come out twice (being pushed by Aggie mouthpieces this time) gives us plausible deniability every time the story comes up. The fact that we are looking to schedule OOC teams not named A&M out into the 2030's tells me we have no intention of scheduling them and now we have "scoreboard" for lack of a better term because we can point to this and say "hey, we tried". We aren't going to beg to play them. Of course, the A&M side will spin this as we are big bad SEC now and UT is of course beneath us, but no one is buying that sack of manure. As always, they come out looking worse on this deal even though the intent of the article was to puff themselves up. CDC>Woodard and I think that will begin to be readily apparent over the next several years.
  14. So who has less national credibility.....Jeff Snook or A&M's cadre of mouthpieces........
  15. So this is where I'll throw in some semi-contrarian opinion: USC - I have a hard time knowing what to expect from this game. Even though we were a Sam Ehlinger fumble away from winning this last year which should portend to us winning this year since we bring a lot of experience back, USC will bring the ultimate wildcard into this game in true freshman JT Daniels, who will play whether as the starter or come in after their starter struggles and start lighting it up. Either way, we don't know what dimension that will add since there will be little to no film on the guy. Only OU will have a similar level of raw talent on teams we play this year and raw talent (as we saw last year in this game) can be a great equalizer if it comes to play. The big advantage Texas has is USC has to go to Stanford the week before and that frankly is a more important game for them to get, even if it doesn't have the same cache as beating us. If they lose to Stanford however, the chances of them beating us go up significantly. It is just how it goes. TCU- All of the handwringing over the Frogs is a bit funny-"we can't assume a win because we've sucked against them the last 4 years". As if past performance always guarantees future results. Considering that TCU will be breaking in both a quarterback and an offensive line this season, getting them in September is very advantageous. Not to mention they'll have their version of USC game the week before as well when Ohio State comes to Jerry's place. Someone above mentioned how good the Frogs quarterbacks were. Can anyone really say that what little they've seen of Shawn Robinson and what they haven't seen of Justin Rogers behind an inexperienced line is somehow a significant advantage to TCU, especially against a very good defense (yes the Longhorns will be a very good defense). I'll make a bold prediction that Texas fans will come away much more impressed with USC's freshman JT Daniels than whoever the Frogs throw out there the following week. With the loss of Blacklock and some expected improvement from the UT offense (remember Sam didnt play in Ft Worth last year), Texas should be primed to grab this game in a way they haven't been the past few years KSU - This is a real toughie given where it falls on the schedule, coming off of 2 intense home contests. Nothing to do with the so called KSU curse, but more to do with the fact that KSU will use 2 different QBs with 2 different skill sets and given the limited preparation time and where this game falls in the schedule will make it extremely challenging to win. I would not be surprised to see Texas roll into this game ranked and with a sparkly record and get knocked back down to earth, especially with OU looming. OU- Schedule will also play a factor here, especially since OU's is markedly easier leading into this game. Texas will bring the intensity, but can they sustain it for 4 quarters, especially since they haven't had a bye week yet and the intensity of the 3 previous games. OU wins the war of attrition in this scenario. Had Texas played say Baylor or KU the week before, I'd probably think differently because the teams are fairly close otherwise. WVU - With limited depth, the Mountaineers need to stay relatively healthy to achieve their season goals. Fortunately, their October is tailor made for this with a bye week and games against KU and Baylor sandwiched around a trip to Ames. The good news for Texas is that their schedule has also lightened up at this point and makes this a really interesting game. If WVU comes in relatively healthy and has found something of a defense, then this tilts it in favor of WVU but I need to see how their season plays out before making a bold prediction. They need very good injury luck. Yes....schedule matters.......a lot! I would argue it is a much more significant factor than many folks doing analysis give it. Given that I am a pencil pusher, I would give the probable range of outcomes (assuming normal luck on injuries) to be between 8 and 11 wins with 9 being the most likely outcome. The Big 12 will not be as good as it was last year, so finding at least 2 additional wins to achieve the floor is not that difficult, unless the Horns have worse than average turnover and injury luck. Texas acheived +2.3 points from turnovers per game last year at a +8 number. That's slightly above average but not so high that the team will have a difficult time repeating it (Iowa State's was almost double this if you want to look for a team that may see more of a regression to the mean). Injuries are always a great unknown. TL:DR - Some folks are big gaping vaginas on TCU, other teams may be tougher to beat this year.
  16. Guess the boys are back in town?
  17. Don't think it was Arkansas.....they pussed out of the rematch of the 2008 ass whuppin we gave them until now. SHSU was in 2006. I think it was Utah that we were supposed to play around that time and they completely pussed out of playing the series at the last minute forcing the change. Technically, we played UNT back when they were North Texas State and in I-AA, but agree that the feedback was such that we would never willingly schedule another FCS opponent.
  18. My parents used to always take us the Monterrey House on Burnet Road just south of 183 back in the late 70's through the mid 80's. Can't remember much about the food either other than the big brown sugar bombs that were always in the chip baskets. We'd always grab several of those for the ride back home. I'm sure my parents hated us gorging ourselves on these and the massive sugar high that came with it.
  19. Back in the mid 90's on a trip to LA I went for one of the random sitcom tapings which were much more common then. Watched them tape an episode of Coach. As some have said, it takes 3-4 hours to tape a 30 minute sitcom, but the coolest thing about this particular taping was Jerry Van Dyke came out and spent a lot of time riffing with the crowd. I never realized how talented that guy was until watching him just interact with the crowd between takes. He was the only one of the actors that did that but was pretty damn funny. Not sure how much of that goes on today, but the sitcom actors back in the 80's and 90's were much more comfortable working in front of a live studio audience and some, like Jerry, really fed off of interacting with the crowd. Would have loved to have gone to a Seinfeld taping.
  20. Looks like this was at the old Legends of Golf Tournament at Onion Creek.
  21. Get well, get well soon, we want you to get well.
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