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Everything posted by PencilPusher

  1. Believe me George, you can count on Slippery Pete.
  2. I made this point the other day and if that is a story that is indeed true, why didn't someone come out immediately after the media days and say that. Everyone involved at Ohio State is acting like an 11 year old who keeps covering up the fact that they accidentally broke a vase by telling all sorts of other stories (I didn't do it, the dog knocked it over, I wasn't in the room because I was in the other room watching the news, etc.). Every parent has been through this and when they keep pressing, the story keeps changing until you finally get to the truth, which wasn't a big deal. However, you punish the child not for breaking the vase but for the chain of lies, half truths, and deflections because we all believe that telling the truth is far more important than a broken vase. If this is no big deal, then it should be over already. Problem is, adults don't want to act like adults and so folks are chasing down each angle to this story because the truth needs to come out and the people who are best in position to tell said truth are acting like that 11 year old. I don't believe in false equivalences either, but what I believe less in is adults not fucking acting like adults, especially when it comes to shit like this. Your move OSU.........
  3. If he doesn't make the Seahawks, someone is gonna stash him on their practice squad (if the Seahawks don't).
  4. I can think of 75 million reasons why he went to A&M.....he's already done that other stuff somewhere else. No one goes from a has to a wannabe for any reason other than that.
  5. especially the comedic posts......
  6. Yesterday afternoon whilst driving around on a multitude of errands I was scrolling through some of the national sports shows on satellite radio to see what legs, if any, the Tom Herman story still had. The answer was a resounding none. Even SEC sycophant Barrett Sallee, who has poked at Texas numerous times, did not mention it in the hour or so I listed to ESPNU while they were spending most of the time discussing Urbs. I can only surmise that from a national perspective, this story died about the time Brett McMurphy issued an unequivocal denial that Herman was the source and the only ones still talking about it are Buckeyes, Longhorns, Aggies, and Sooners. Given that it appears Jeff Snook has never issued a rebuttal, McMurphy's text was the journalistic equivalent of a "pantsing" of Snook. With all of the information swirling around over the last couple of weeks, I have only been able to make 2 broad conclusions that may or may not be true 1. Ohio State is busy doing whatever they can to "legitimize" keeping Urban Meyer. Since there is no "smoking gun" that indicates Urban completely buried this, they are trying to figure out who the buck stops with. My guess is they will point to an internal compliance person or attorney who told them that if they fired Zach Smith, they could get sued and that was all they needed to justify the status quo. Compliance people and/or attorneys are expendable because they don't bring the University $ and no one likes them. 2. Urban Meyer is bad at being a human being. Even if technically he did what he was obligated to do, shouldn't we be about more (Forget whether he should have employed him in the first place for a second). How hard was it to say after the 2015 incident "Get help or you can't continue to work here." His wife Shelly was a psychiatric nurse...they couldn't have found a program that could have helped. The Meyers and the rest of The Ohio State University didn't give two shits about Zach Smith so long as he continued to recruit great talent and coach 'em up. They only dealt with the issue when it became a festering problem and it was to cut him loose. Had Urban said in the B1G Media Days that we had told Zach Smith to get help, we pushed him towards a program to deal with it, and told him unequivocally that any more incidents would result in his dismissal, not only would they actually have looked and acted like adults, but this issue would be gone and the DJ Durkin issue would have the full spotlight instead of having to share time with this one. As it is, because nobody gave a damn about this when it was going on, now everybody gives a damn about it and could conclude rightly, as I have, that Urban sucks at being a human being (and you could probably throw Shelley in there as well). Anyway, that's aIl I got on this. Will now wait to see whether conclusion #1 comes to fruition or not.
  7. Agreed and something that is largely overlooked by the mouthbreathers passing for CFB journalists these days. A point to note is that Jimbo has actually never built a program per se - he was HCIW for several years at FSU so hasn't ever actually walked into a new gig and built from scratch the way that Saban, Urbs, et. al. have had to. The fact that he is making the same kind of mistakes that Charlie and UNC Mack Brown made tell me they could be in for a longer haul then they would like to admit. If a conference gets 2 teams in this year, I'm in on the Big 10. The East is loaded and Wisconsin could easily be no worse than 11-1 and will clearly win the shitshow that is the B1G West. Can envision a scenario where two teams in the B1G East finish 11-1 as well and if Wisconsin is also 11-1 (or better), both the winner of the Champ game and the team that is runner up in the East could get in (exactly what happened in the SEC last year). That is predicated on my assumption that neither the Big 12 or the Pac 12 will have anyone good enough to qualify. Agree on TCU.....catching them early is a big plus because not only are the lacking experience, they are replacing their line plus the QB. What little I saw of Shawn Robinson last year doesn't scare me yet and him learning behind a new line isn't ideal. They honestly might look like 2017 Texas....defense having to carry an inefficient offense. OSU is also a team folks are probably expecting too much from. The reason the AD went after Gundy's recruiting is that he sees what I see....a probable 6-6/7-5 type rebuilding year like they had in Mason Rudolph's freshman year where they pulled his shirt and rallied to a bowl game, before having 9+ wins each of the next 3 years.
  8. I live in a burb, though it is much more balanced. Almost as many LSU as Ag and a fair number of UT folks (along with a smattering of other schools). There are 2 types of Ag it seems. The type that let you know they are Ag within the first 5 minutes of meeting them (without you asking about where they went to school) and the type that seem to have grown out of it. I'll let you guess the type I'll tend to associate with.
  9. So I am at the Astros game last night sitting in the Insperity Club. Getting the drink on, expecting to watch Justin Verlander do his thing. Verlander comes out and gets destroyed.....6 runs in 2 innings, 3 home runs yielded...making the Mariners look like the damn Bronx Bombers and gets yanked after 2 innings. As I get up to go order another cold one, the douche detector on my phone starts going off, almost as if to detect a significant disturbance in the force. Lo and behold, Chin Pubes is in the row behind me, in all his douchetastic glory, sporting some bigger than normal sized Ag ring (though I thought he was a t-shirt fan, not an actual grad). Dude spend all night working the room with a smug look of confidence, no doubt hyping up to the Ag sycophants in the joint about the supposed future glories of Jimbo at the high point of most every Aggie season (August). It was fascinating seeing that dude out in the wild and every bit douchetastic as you would imagine. So now I had a rational explanation for Verlander's suckage last night-the presence of a douchetastic force that was more powerful than Verlander's pitching. But hey, the Astros best player last night was Tony Kemp, Vandy alum, so S-E-C S-E-C.
  10. Love this beach on the road (well, slightly off the road) to Hana...definitely worth the stop
  11. I'll Play #1 song (14th Birthday) - Jump - Van Halen #1 song (born) - "Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)" / "Everybody Is a Star - Sly and the Family Stone I'll take those.....guess that's always why I've liked a funky bass line.....started hearing it on day 1.
  12. OK not really.....just wanted an excuse to post that.
  13. Lima was greatness......those late 90's Astro teams were fun with him on it. Always believed great teams need to have a Lima on them to keep the mood light
  14. If we are bringing up Casa Ole, its Lima Time!
  15. My name is Buck Naked....I'm a porno actor.....
  16. So I guess in the above picture, Jesus is bound for New Orleans......
  17. I'm calling it now....if Malik Hornsby comes to Texas and is a starter, we have to call his offensive line "The Range"
  18. You know, I am not a business man. I'm a holistic healer. It's a calling, it's a gift.
  19. Some things will never change.
  20. So this must have been the party that Spicoli blew all his reward money for saving Brooke Shields and hired David Lee Roth to play!
  21. VARGAS!
  22. Lot of Aggies claim to love Jesus...perhaps his words from Matthew 7:5 should be taken to heart. You hypocrite! First remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother’s eye. For those Aggies that can't process what this is saying, let me put it into how Jesus might respond to them: Why the hell are you trying to crap on Tom Herman, who wasn't even on tOSU's staff in 2015* (he was hired by UH in December 2014 and left right after the NC game in January 2015) when you will pay $75 million to an individual who knowingly covered for his star player related to an incident of sexual assault. *A quick Google search reveals the date of the alleged incident was Oct. 25, 2015
  23. Quiet! You shut up! You make me change restaurant, but nobody comes! You say make Pakistani, Babu Bhatt have only Pakistani restaurant. But where are people? You see people? Show me people. There are no people.
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