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Everything posted by LarryTT

  1. Calling it now. Mark Stoops to OU, Bob coming out of retirement and will join Mike as co-defensive coordinators Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. The thing was, the calls were working before all the followers on her swing trades, but yeah BTZI was a nice 159% gain today [emoji16] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Got my TD OTC trades down to $4.95 through chat support. [emoji849][emoji58] FYI YMMV Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Regarding TDs fees. Here’s my response this morning Hi, thanks for holding on there, all commission cases now go through management since we lowered our commission rates a while back. What I can do at this time is submit a case for you and you can expect to hear back from us in 1 to 2 business days. Just lowered?? Whatever but I’ll update when I hear back Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I got in @ $13.36. Seems once the FOMOs get out from the tweet, there’s that little pullback. I’ll add more if it does as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Riding the $HQGE train. Could only get 75k fill of an order at .0050 a couple days ago and it had already taken off. It’s at .045 today. I’m going to stay on this one awhile.
  7. @superduperinvst #supdup Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I use TD and really like ToS but that 6.95 has got to change. I’ll be checking on that very soon. I’ve heard that you can get it reduced to at least 3.95 as easily as asking in the support chat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I was with her when she had only 2k followers. Don’t know how the hell I found her but has been sincere and on point. (And easy to follow and understand) It IS getting to the point where there is some group influence on some picks. Has to be an old hedge fund manager YMMV Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Follow here, plus I found a guru on Twitter. (I can whole heartedly say that @superduperinvestor is lights out. I’ve only lost on one call of hers out of probably 30 )
  11. Would love to be able to trade OTC AH. Missed on adding more $HQHE. Bought in @ .005 and it’s now .015 sighh also $PFFOF
  12. Didn’t make into SNVP either Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Added to my BMIX position yesterday @ .037 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. What's considered quick? Days? weeks? I guess I'm a swing trader. I've had BNGO since October. Its a Bionano data company. I think there's future there. It was around $.50 then. I'm still holding the majority of my position but it was nice to take some of that 1400% profit and look for another penny. Improbable, but I'll take modest gains too cause they are all better returns than I can get on sitting around money. I am off the 000's though, I have not had good luck with them.
  15. #SupDup SuperDuperInvestor @ SuperDuperInvst I was trying to follow a few others but this gal has been on fire. After I stopped clouding the picture with all the other noise and just following her calls my account has more than tripled the last 8- 10 weeks. One example was BNGO recommended at 0.56 and is now at $11.00 (been as high as 13.85) She has a mix of swings and LT holds as well. ex: CURI (Curiosity Channel) called around $7.50 in November and is now been up to $20+
  16. Started a position in BMIX @ .037 a Brazilian lithium miner and REZZF @ .199 an Ireland metals miner of lithium, copper, nickel Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Have purchased some RMO along the battery front. I've avg'd in around $20.12 $234M contract with Lion Electric a Canadian bus company making medium range Amazon trucks in November. Several other large order backlogs.
  18. Been watching you boys for a few months. Made a couple of plays that got me hooked. Here's my latest add $IVFH @.60 today. Missed the really early entry. Have been sitting on TAUG since .03 @.18 now. Also into CURI and CURIW. Lets make money
  19. Teams will both be quarantined for playoffs [emoji849] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. $2M Disney 130 calls came in expiring in Dec. Bought at ask. Someone betting big.
  21. I’m into Apple for 7.02 shares (1 dividend reinvested) @ $255 and got 2 shares of Tesla yesterday opening @ $1460. Let’s go! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. After writing what I did yesterday, we are now scheduled to close on a Sante Fe style house, in a cul de sac on a hill, large back yard facing Mt. Lemmon so I get to see the winter snow caps, no back neighbors, 3 car garage, 1500 sq feet. Clicked every box we had plus a couple of bonuses. This will be my last home. We were 4th offer (3rd cash offer) after 4 hours of listing being up. I'm thrilled. ( oh and 2 week closing)
  23. Retired and pussy And in the 5 years I've been coming here there hasn't been much of a cycle, but yeah I get it. That's part of the reason of renting for months, looking for some sort of bargain.
  24. I can confirm the Tucson market is the same. Been looking for a couple of months here to buy and if you aren't first, you're last. Starting to get a little frustrating with cash in hand.... may have to revisit the $Stonk thread....
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