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Everything posted by justinjc7

  1. FUCK. THIS. TEAM. Fuckin embarrassment Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  2. I'm pretty sure that was precisely the idea. But the Esteem broke down, Mike gets out, pops the hood, and says "radiator's shot". They dumped the car to keep it relatively hidden as it was no use to them anymore
  3. It was so realistic because it is actually real. Gata is Lil Dicky's hype man in real life and is actually bipolar. So he didnt have to act that, those were real life emotions and real life tears which is what made it hit so hard for me. I look forward to them getting back to the funny next week but that was a great episode. Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  4. The final scene of the 3rd episode is the hardest I've laughed at anything in a while. But damn, they did it to me again last episode, this show is hilarious
  5. I just came here to post the exact same thing after watching it last night. I can't remember the last time I busted out laughing so hard at any TV show or movie.
  6. Got tickets yesterday for the Yankees game on May 16th, going to be making the trip up from San Antonio and spending the weekend with Houston. Going to be a Yankees fan with us unfortunately so really need a win to finally shut him up
  7. It seems like some of yall just said, "fuck the first 7 episodes, I ain't got time for that shit, let's cut to the chase and just watch the ending" Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  8. Check out the home/road splits from that series and tell me how they look amy different than the Astros. I've got the Astros in my blood. My great grandparents were season ticket holders when the Stros were playing in the Astrodome, I've got their ticket stubs from the first game ever played in the Astrodome. My aunt worked for the team for about 20 years and hooked us up with tickets every summer growing up. For those reasons, I can never give up on my Stros but maybe it's because I'm drunk as hell but it makes me lose all hope for this bull shit league. It's clear that this is a MLB problem and not an Astros problem but you've got irresponsible media propagating all this bull shit and dumb ass fans eating it all up. The NBA has Woj and Shams. The NFL has Shefter. And the MLB is stuck with fuckin hacks like Passan and Olney. Fuck these clowns, I'm embracing the heel role, 2020 World Series Champs, can't wait to enjoy the haters tears as we hoist that "piece of metal" again this year Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  9. Funny how this cowardly piece of shit just bashed us the other day Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  10. I see the dumb asses have hit our thread again....jesus christ Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  11. I didn't say I think they deserve a free pass. They cheated and they deserve to be punished but it's the talk of stripping the title that is what is so stupid to me. Everyone does it, hell Joe Girardi just about admitted to in on live TV a couple hours ago. The Red Sox and Yankees were both fined for sign stealing in 2017, the year in question. Teams have been sign stealing since the beginning, how you going to strip a title from a team for doing something that everyone else is doing? If your going to start stripping titles for sign stealing, your not gonna have my champions left. What about the steroid era, we just gonna strip all those as well? Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  12. There's a couple things that amaze me about all these dumb asses bashing on the Astros: 1. Right or wrong, cheating has been engrained into the fabric of the game of baseball for as long as the game has been played. People have been caught with pine tar, nail files, thumbtacks, corked bats, steroids, hacking into other teams' databases, etc. and yet you think the Astros are the only team that has cheated? You think the Astros are the only team engaging in sign stealing, something that has been part of the game since the beginning? That line of logic is just unfuckin believable to me. 2. Some former/current players/coaches have come out highlighting the fact I made above....that this kind of thing goes on everywhere. Yet the Astros haters online and all through social media don't buy this, they refuse to accept this shit that is coming directly from people who are or were directly involved in the game. Yet some random ass Yankee fan on Twitter presents a cockamamie theory about buzzers with absolutely ZERO proof or evidence and they treat it as gospel. Once again, that line of logic is incredibly stupid as shit. 3. I love how these people just love to throw around the words "tainted" or "asterisk" as if I or ever other Astros fan out there should give a shit that some ill-informed dumb ass online thinks our title is "tainted". Guess what....that championship ain't going anywhere. My great grandparents were season ticket holders with the Astros ever since they began playing in the Astrodome (I have their ticket stubs from the very first Astros game played there). My aunt worked for the Astros all through the 90s and into the 2000s as I was growing up and I took several road trips to Houston from SA every summer to go see the games with my Aunt. All this is just to say that my love for the Astros runs in my blood. And that joy and excitement that I had watching the Astros win the World Series against the Dodgers in 2017 is something that I will never forget and that I will cherish for the rest of my life and there is nothing that these dumb shits can do to take that away from me or any other Astros fan. You can say it's "tainted" all you want but guess what? We don't give a shit about your stupid opinion, neither the WS trophy nor that gold 17 WS pennant in the outfield are going anywhere. Forever champs, and the rest of the league can suck it! Houston vs everyone in 2020, can't wait to see the hate when we win it again this year.
  13. Got my silver lawn tickets, so pumped for my first Stones show! Wish I could have splurged a little bit for the Gold Circle tickets but I go too many shows to spend that much on just one.
  14. Just a few offhand from MyBookie: Will Demi Lovato use a mic stand or no mic stand for the national anthem? Who will be shown first during the national anthem? 49ers player/coach or Chiefs player/coach? Over/under for "brave" during the national anthem, 5.5 seconds How many wardrobe changes for J-Lo? Over/under at 2.5 Will an ad feature a same sex couple? How many ads will feature dogs? 2 of my favorites for fucked up comedic reasons? Will Lizzo show up in a disgusting thong? Will Demi Lovato re-enter rehab within 30 days of her national anthem performance?
  15. That's correct, it's not an inheritance tax. There is no federal inheritance tax and last I recall, there's only like 6 states that do impose an inheritance tax and not sure where you're at but Texas isn't one of them. Estate tax is a whole different thing but that's typically not on the beneficiaries. If you inherited a bank account or a regular brokerage account from him, that would not be taxable but the death benefit is considered taxable income just as any of his monthly TRS distributions would be considered taxable. You should receive a Form 1099-R with a code 4 in box 7.
  16. Sure, I get that sounds crazy in a vacuum. But there was another game earlier in the season (against Mike Fiers and the A's of all teams) where Altuve's jersey actually was ripped open (and there were no buzzers by the way) and he said the same thing about his wife. But apparently a little basic fact checking is too hard for these supposed "journalists". And if the Astros did use buzzers, why is that any worse than banging on a trash can? Under that scenario, the Astros would be using the same general methods to steal signs and transmit them to the batter, they're just using a different avenue with which to do so, it's insane to me that anyone thinks the buzz from a buzzer is any more cheating than the bang from a trash can.
  17. justinjc7

    Black Pumas

    Love these guys, been listening to them for a couple months now. The day before Thanksgiving, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and came across the music video for Colors as a sponsored post. They're not really my typical genre of music at all but I really dug it so I checked out the tour dates to see if they were playing anywhere and lo and behold, saw that they were playing the free Longhorn City Limits show just 2 days later so that was pretty cool. I was very impressed with the show, Eric Burton is a great front man. Me and my buddy joked that you could make a shot game, taking a shot every time he said the word "Austin" but we probably would have been passed out by the 2nd song haha
  18. Imagine, a sport where cheating has been engrained into the fabric of the game for as long as it has been around....whether it be through using emory boards to scuff up balls by the pitcher, corked bats, using steroids, using pine tar (looking at you Mike Fiers you hypocritical piece of shit), hacking into other teams' databases, using Vaseline, gambling on games, using Apple Watches and other electronics in the dugout, etc.....and people act like the Astros are the ONLY team engaging in sign stealing? Like this is an Astros problem and not an MLB problem? Get the fuck out of here with that bull shit. Yes the Astros cheated, no they shouldn't have done it, yes they should be punished. But for them to get the punishment they did while others skate by and people still think they didn't get punished enough? FOH with all that asterisk shit
  19. Lol FFS dude. Mike Fiers says the Astros were cheating, it gets investigated and turns out he was right. But then when Logan Morrison says the same thing about your team, it's like, oh why should we believe him? The only benefit you get right now is that those claims haven't been investigated. Get a grip dude, I'm sorry you're piddly team that looks so good in the regular season continually chokes in the postseason and hasn't been able to close out a WS. What about this past year, were the Nationals stealing signs too? Which boogeyman hurt your team last year? The Astros cheated and should be punished, no argument from me here. But to be punished like they were and for others to claim that the punishment is not enough is asinine, it's not a secret that many other teams in the league are doing the same thing so if you want to start taking away rings, it's going to be a lot more than just the Astros losing theirs.
  20. I was in Tampa 2 weekends ago and went to the Bucs game against the Falcons and the Bucs have a male cheerleader as well which was....interesting. With it being the last week of the season, during their half time performance they called up and announced each member of the cheerleading staff individually and he definitely got the loudest ovation haha Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  21. Welp according to Jay Glazer, the Cowboys have agreed to terms with McCarthy as our new head coach. Less than inspiring in my opinion
  22. People here are actually ok with hiring McCarthy?! Lol what the fuck, this is just fuckin sad Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  23. For real, the dude is a completely useless piece of shit. They show him several times a game and I don't think I have ever seen him do anything or utter a damn word. It struck me watching the Thanksgiving game against the Bills....the few times they did show Sean McDermott on the sidelines, he was always coaching up his players or yelling out commands to the field and I realized, hell, I have never once in 10 years seen anything like this from Garrett. Then I'm watching the Patriots and I see Belichick on a knee near the bench with his O-line all huddled around him actually coaching them up. Then when we see the Cowboys play the Eagles, Doug Pederson has his head in his play sheet the whole time. You know.....actually doing his damn job. What the fuck does Jason Garrett do?! When have you ever seen this guy actually be a coach instead of a statue on the sideline only useful for hand claps and butt slaps? The thing that really amazes me, that really highlights what a useless pussy he is, is that this guy has been entrusted with the position of coaching America's Team, the Dallas Cowboys (something that used to actually mean something) and he knows his job is on the line, he knows that he is in danger of losing this opportunity and the fuckin guy still can't find it in himself to muster up some pride for himself and make an effort to do anything to coach this team and try to save his job. The dude is a straight up loser.
  24. You make a great point but the reason that everyone shits on the "comfort hire" so much is because the entire staff that TH brought in here was full of comfort hires and look how that worked out for us, most of them were unqualified for the job and it ended with half of them being fired, probably at least a year too late as well. Same thing happened to an extent with Charlie as well. We have PTSD here over comfort hires and rightfully so.
  25. What a bunch of pussies, "oh no, we're going to become Oregon now". Really? It's a fuckin shoe. Our program is turning into a dumpster fire and ya'll are over here complaining about what color cleats we're wearing
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