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Everything posted by destroya

  1. I highly recommend Back Mechanic by Stuart McGill. Start doing his big three exercises, which strengthen the small muscles below your erectors. Also, as he notes in the book and my Orthopedist and PT echoed, imaging only goes so far to reveal the source of back pain. Sometimes an MRI shows what looks to be a seriously messed up back but the person has no issues, pain or restriction on range of motion. Good luck and sorry about your father.
  2. He clearly knew what he was getting into, so it’s hard to call that an ambush. But it was an exceedingly bad look for aggy and was further confirmation of their little brother status. Is there any way we can get him on here to get his insights on that joke of an interview?
  3. I use Open Office. It works for the limited works processing I need it to do and it’s easy to save documents as PDFs. Be sure and save documents as .doc and not an open office file.
  4. And that’s why you’re a poster on a message board and not an AD. Do you really think CDC won’t begin the search in earnest until RT is fired? Do you think an extra 2ish months of speculation surrounding who our next coach will be will benefit us or our next coach? There’s a reason CDC kept Pierce’s firing under wraps as long as possible. I imagine the process for our next basketball coach will be similar and there’s only a few days between RT’s firing and the announcement of our new coach.
  5. Fuck that shit. I’m good with the Longhorns being the only game in town.
  6. I personally don’t rock tags on my suits. But I know that’s an aesthetic some people appreciate, so I leave them in the pockets in case someone wants to put them back on.
  7. If anyone wants a suit or two, shoot me a dm.
  8. I am cleaning out my closet and have a few suits and other dress/business casual clothes. Does anyone know of an organization similar to Dress for Success (which only does women’s clothes) to which I can donate them instead of just dropping them off at Goodwill?
  9. Would your doctor give you clearance to do strength/muscular workouts that don’t require weights? Isometrics, body weight squats, pushups against the wall, assisted pull-ups etc.
  10. And Joe Montana
  11. Anything ahead of behind schedule is ahead of schedule.
  12. Agreed. One of the strengths of the show was that it stayed within itself and didn’t go down any of those rabbit holes. There’s a lot to be said for maintaining a sense of wonder and unknown, which was one of the strengths of the OT. Conversely, the prequels were weighed down by trying to answer those questions, and the story suffered. I’ve been wanting to get with Fern’s mom since ancient times.
  13. What a great show and a perfect template for what Star Wars should lean into. Loved the pacing; it was focused and avoided the bloat and excess of some of the other Star Wars series.
  14. “Cortez” She first called out to him just as she was getting slammed to the ground.
  15. What the guy above me said…a good rule of thumb is to balance a pushing exercise with a pulling exercise.
  16. Because the shoulder is a super tight joint with a lot of muscles/ligaments involved. When someone does a shit ton of pushups or any other exercise that strengthens one of those muscles and fails to do anything to strengthen the opposing muscle, that creates an imbalance that causes impingement in the shoulder. It’ll feel like overuse, but that imbalance has pulled the ball of the joint out of alignment in the socket, thus the impingement.
  17. destroya

    Getting old sucks

    So do we. All the best!
  18. I don’t think either are of a mind to talk anyone out of leaving. I would have liked him to have stuck around through the lege session, just to take some bullets if nothing else.
  19. "One of the most low-rent, low-class, dishonorable moves in coaching history" Good
  20. Does the rental place have any good routes you can use?
  21. Don’t underestimate the power of a half ass workout. Consistency doesn’t come from going to the gym when you feel great; it comes from those days where you’d rather be anywhere but the gym and all you have in you is a half ass workout.
  22. Tennessee (the team) is the girl who still gives a damn about trying to needle her ex boyfriend even though she’s married with kids. And, Amy Adams Strunk is the Tom Herman of NFL owners.
  23. IMO, total available NIL funds will be a key factor for Dilly if he moves on. ASU may be able to pay him as much as any other school, but if they don’t have the NIL that allows him to consistently compete and win at the highest levels it’ll be hard to hold onto him. For that reason, I think Texas will always be an attractive school for top candidates, and assuming we have competent leadership (big assumption) I doubt we settle on coaches like Strong and Herman in the future.
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