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Everything posted by destroya

  1. And also, no one really gives a fuck about a&m. They’ll raise their profile every few years (johnnys heisman, poaching jimbo, the 2022 recruiting class) but they’re just as often laughed at (5-7, jimbos contract, kyler and kyle transferring in the same off season). Ultimately, they only matter to the extent they provide fodder for the national cfb media.
  2. I'd never heard about him until this thread, but did some googling and found an old interview with him. I think George Costanza was channeling this guy when he told Jerry, "just remember, it's not a lie...if you believe it." https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc983406/m1/
  3. That sounds like a potentially and vague bullshit answer. How long with the investigation take place, and what did he mean by getting back to you ASAP (the end of the day or the end of the week)? What will the investigation entail, and is there a district wide procedure for how such incidents are handled or is the principal winging it? Will the coach be suspended/removed from campus during the investigation? Absent him immediately removing the coach from the school, I would contact the superintendent. I would also be concerned about him badmouthing your daughter to her classmates, if he's allowed to remain on campus, and is in fact a groomer.
  4. Did the principal commit to any course of action or outline what the next steps would be, ie will the coach immediately be removed from the campus?
  5. Just post your real name so we can all leave you a positive review to balance out the bad one.
  6. Got a date tonight. Any recs for a nice Asian restaurant in the loop? Grew up in Houston but live in Austin and not super familiar with good date spots. I’m 47 and she’s 29, so looking for something fun but chill. From reading the thread, Mala Sichuan seems like a good choice. Be good to have other restaurants or bars nearby that we can go to after dinner.
  7. Or a random shit I saw on reddit sub-forum
  8. There’s a ton of musical instrument headphone amps that have inputs for the instrument and an aux input. Is Bluetooth a requirement?
  9. You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know…morons.
  10. They’ve got no leverage and aren’t forcing Jimbo to do shit except collect a paycheck.
  11. Anyone have a presale code for acl nights?
  12. Of course these are trumped up bullshit charges, but Putin would use any other American caught with a THC vape pen as a political tool. So yeah, she's being treated like anyone else; anyone else defined as any other high profile American caught in Russia with drugs right before the country became a Western pariah.
  13. I use a spoonk, which is a knockoff I got on Amazon. It’s not a cure all for lower back pain but it helps. I credit the endorphin rush and increased blood flow. Not sure if the spikes are sharper on the shakti vs spoonk, but it usually stops hurting after a minute or two.
  14. He’s also on cameo. We could have some fun with that. (See Johnny Knoxville pranking Steve-O via cameo.)
  15. Yo, Chad Fuck, just because you want them to be hair metal doesn't mean they're hair metal. Granted Axle Rose could work a can of Aquanet, but they didn't wear makeup on the regs and weren't a bunch of pretty boys. Hair metal was the bubblegum pop of 80s metal, and GnR had an edge that was anything but bubblegum.
  16. https://www.poolsupplyunlimited.com/pool/pentair-easytouch-uoc-motherboard-with-8-auxiliaries-pool-and-spa-system-520657/70254p1
  17. I’ve got shimano xt shifters and the ergonomics and shifting are way way better than the equivalent sram shifters on the bikes I demo’d. YMMV. and fuck all that bs about deserving nice parts. Nice bikes are nice to ride and nicer bikes are even nicer to ride.
  18. Didn't make it to that show but mohawk's got some talkers. Lots of scenesters there. Saw the war on drugs on Thursday. I've seen them a ton of times, and can't help but thinking they're our generation's adult contemporary/soft rock.
  19. Isis by Bob Dylan, but only if Cormac McCarthy wrote the screenplay.
  20. Maybe pointing out the obvious, but it makes sense that the faster ride was the one that had you working harder (death march vs no huffing and puffing) Cheers on a good week of riding!
  21. gif…fuck yeah…gif
  22. That tweet and pperroni thinking he doesn't announce til 12/15 seems good for us. It'll give him time to understand the longterm implications of our NIL fund and how it will benefit him.
  23. So what y’all are saying is Sark is going to demote PK and hire Lake as our next DC?
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