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Texas St. Armadillos

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Everything posted by Texas St. Armadillos

  1. No, not at all. I was saying that the folks walking into order should have read the room and said "holy crap" these guys are crazy behind. I'll get lunch somewhere else.
  2. I got the same deal yesterday. Went with the spicy filet. It was good, not life-changing. Biggest problem was I placed an online order for pickup at 1230. Had to wait until 100 for it to be ready. 25-30 people all standing towards the front waiting for their food. People who hadn't ordered online still kept piling in and ordering with no signs of reading the room. Should have been a quick "Nope" for the walk-ins. The mouthbreather element was strong.
  3. From the snippets I have heard, sounds like Chas would like to be traded. Thinks he should be an everyday player (just not on this team).
  4. Did the guy that took her down look like an older guy with a white beard and liberal views? Cause it sure sounds a lot like Coach Pop-a-bitch.
  5. Found my rejection letter in the Promotions section of my gmail.
  6. Christian Javier? You don't know who that is? The guy that K'd 13 of your pinstriped fags on the way to a no-hitter? Put down the crackpipe.
  7. Clock has got to be ticking on Big Jay's tenure.
  8. Uninformed here, but what is the reasoning for increasing the size of the bases?
  9. Probably will. I may be in the minority here, but Feherty has definitely lost his fastball over the past year. I know his son passed away from an overdose in 2017, and he relapsed on his alcohol addiction in 2019. I am sure that has something to do with it. He sounds much older, slower, and in general just sad on the radio and on the telecasts. He's 63, and like most of the LIV folks, probably looking for one last payday before riding off into the sunset.
  10. No Laying Up reporting Feherty to LIV as an analyst. https://twitter.com/NoLayingUp/status/1549068849399533568?s=20&t=OIeiV_bix7h9mD7ysf4fyg
  11. Brett Gardner. Pete Rose. Similar, for sure.
  12. He's gonna lose his hair and look like a penis?
  13. Good call on the lowercase usage close. That should keep it civil.
  14. Half Nelson Awesome cast: Joe Pesci as Rocky Nelson Fred Williamson as Chester Long Victoria Jackson as Annie O'Hara Bubba Smith as Kurt Dick Butkus as Beau Gary Grubbs as Det. Hamill Dean Martin as Himself
  15. Thanks, man. Will try this weekend.
  16. Cut in the fat? Add the water? Rest time? What is the yield (12 tortillas)? What's your process?
  17. Siri or Chaz? I think Siri given the antics from Tuesday. Sends a small message.
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