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Texas St. Armadillos

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Everything posted by Texas St. Armadillos

  1. If I were Greller, I would jokingly hand Jordan the driver on 8 tee.
  2. Now even the green label Weller is not on the shelves. 12 and Antique for sure, but regular?
  3. Tracy McGrady Syndrome. Too much horizontal Mambo.
  4. The problem is the McNair family. End of story. Wanted to be the Steelers, now the Patriots. No identity, no vision.
  5. Well it's a driller not producer but yeah that's not a great market going forward. I hear ya. Wish I would have cut my losses on DO when they were in the teens a few months back.
  6. Let us know what kind of shape the courses are in and restaurant/bar recs. I'm going to be up there next week. 5/29 Wed - Erin Hill 5/30 Thur - Whistling Straits - Irish Course 5/31 Fri - Blackwolf Run - River Course 6/1 Sat - Whistling Straits - Straits Course
  7. I think it is him, but the story of him getting too high and his daughter that puts the deodorant in the fridge had me rolling.
  8. Toad in the Hole. Runny egg and lots of butter in the pan.
  9. As a student pilot, I'm sure my CFI would lose his shit if took my hand off the throttle. Sounds like an experienced pilot move.
  10. First off, thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families in the accident in Alaska. Horrible and probably avoidable. Had another lesson Sunday. Good conditions. As you guys said, the taxi is coming along nicely now. Went out to the West practice area (out towards Kilgore and Gladewater). We did a lot of rudder work. I was still having a tough time getting my feel, so he made me take my shoes off to get a better feel. At one point, he covered all instruments up and said "Fly me to Longview". This was to get me to start identifying landmarks. Once we got to Longview, he said fly me to your house. Very cool and we got some pictures. This seemed like a different session in that it was less about maneuvers and more about VFR flying. Turning not just to a certain heading, but to a landmark. Had a good base and turn to final and landed. A couple things on the landing that I had questions on. First, it sure seemed like I was going to land short of the runway, but we obviously didn't. I guess that is about getting more reps and understanding my true position on the final. I guess as long as I have 2 whites, and 2 reds I'm good. Also, when is the right time to flare? How much back pressure (is there a spot on the horizon I should use)? How long do I hold it (until the back wheels are down?). Thanks again for this forum. It really helps me debrief and review my lessons.
  11. Had 2nd in-flight lesson on Sunday. Weather has been horrible, so we finally caught a break. Winds were calm (6 knots). Taxi went well. Take-off was normal. We had to turn slightly at about 1,500' ft to dodge some clouds. Got to 3,000', and we performed medium bank turns, Dutch rolls, and slow flight. Apart from coming out of slow flight once, where I accidentally went from full flaps to no flaps. I missed the intermediate notch😮. Did not cause any problems, but my instructor explained to me how important that would be for the checkride. Some clouds had settled in around the airport when it was time to turn back, so we had to request an IFR/ILS landing. We got our altitude and vector and threw on the autopilot for a bit. That was awesome. No wonder the airline guys keep it smooth. Flew through a couple clouds on the approach, and I did my first landing. The airplane and it's passengers all remained intact, so I considered it a very successful first landing. Much less nerve-racking experience than the gusty first lesson. As a golfer, to me, it's about reps and getting comfortable in your environment. This is no different. Next lesson we will be doing a bunch of takeoffs and landings. Looking forward to that.
  12. If I had to guess, I bet Tina Fey will run the show when Lorne retires.
  13. Thanks. I'll try this out. I appreciate you more experienced folks putting up with my stream of thoughts.
  14. The yoke is not a steering wheel. The yoke is not a steering wheel. The yoke is not a steering wheel. The yoke is not a steering wheel...
  15. We went up yesterday for my first flight lesson. 17 knots, gusting to 23-24. We almost didn't go. My first time taxi was very stressful. Could not get my mind wrapped around keeping the yoke turned into the wind then switching in the opposite direction. I could not keep the wind direction as I made directional changes on the taxiways. In fairness, my mind was racing and I was just trying to get a feel for the rudders and brakes to steer. Wind was straight runway headwind. I did the take off using right rudder to compensate for left tenancies. Due to the wind, we were airborne very quickly. Very bumpy up until about 3k'. Learned quickly to keep my hand on the throttle until 1,500'. Smoothed out at 3k' and we did basic turns. We were going to do some steeper turns and dutch rolls, but with the winds my CFI decided against it. Worked our way back and he did the landing given the conditions. I resumed control for the taxi, and I had noticeably better control of the aircraft (better feel for rudders and brakes). Still need to be more smooth and subtle. My CFI said that this was a trial by fire and that I will not have more difficult conditions than this during my training....so I got that going for me.
  16. Gotcha. There were tiers of pricing based on $ paid down. So, higher rates for less down. I assume that's a common practice.
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