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Texas St. Armadillos

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Everything posted by Texas St. Armadillos

  1. Good looking shade of orange right there.
  2. I like to brown up some Sage sausage and crumble it up in my dressing. When I feel like blowing everyone's mind, I decase a couple links of boudain and mix that in as well.
  3. Definitely not for everyone, but if you are into cooking from the past in old castles, Lords and Ladles was pretty good. "Three of Ireland's top chefs -- Derry Clarke, Catherine Fulvio and Paul Flynn -- gather at opulent country manors to re-create banquets from the past."
  4. Wasabi and Soy Sauce Blue Diamond Almonds
  5. Elizabeth Warren's 2020 Campaign Slogan?
  6. Sorry to have to add to this thread. Family member (male, 63) just got diagnosed with bladder cancer. He had a tumor removed a couple weeks ago, and they just found out it was malignant. Going to have to have his bladder removed, and begin treatment. I know nothing about how treatable this is, the options, or quality of life. I heard that they can "rewire" your plumbing and you can urinate through your kidneys, but that's all I heard yesterday. I would appreciate if anyone has any experience with this particular form of cancer and can share their knowledge and/or experience. And obligatory: Fuck Cancer
  7. Good stuff at the Sanderson Farms. Peel away from football or record it. Cameron Champ, Cory Conners, Sam Burns, Dylan Myer. All legit guys that will be impacts this year. Also, Houston's Shawn Stefani in the mix.
  8. Man Walks on the Moon.pic
  9. What's Mr. Orange's plan for the caravan? Gun em down in the Rio Grande?
  10. I would put half in mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in Securities.
  11. Thanks. Looking forward to it. Gonna sneak out for a little golf while there too.
  12. Quick bump. I've heard Dogwood Canyon is nice.
  13. At least now they can't say they ran out of time.
  14. Respectively, Brisket. Big fan of your work. Can you please share more of this Playbook you have mentioned? Trying to learn here.
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