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Everything posted by SaucyJack

  1. Point of info: The President does not appoint Federal Magistrate Judges. Federal District Judges appoint the Magistrates in their respective districts (8 year terms).
  2. Motherfucker!
  3. This thread is nothing without the resident "Both Sides!" poster. I haz disappoint.
  4. Somebody please put me in a cage where I can cry.
  5. That's nice. We love you too. LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR, MUTHAFUCKA!
  6. Well... in grade school, I had the nickname of Fred Flintstone, so...
  7. Spaniard Heart, Mixtec Blood
  8. Simon!
  9. Same dude: "Mexico is classist and racist," Bustos added. "People with white skin are given preference. Now, if a local wants to go to a restaurant or a club, they don’t just have to compete with rich, white Mexicans but with foreigners too."
  10. Well, he is a young man looking at men that's looking at social media.
  11. No. In the wild up to seven genders are recognized.
  12. I'll fight you motherfucker. something ... something... friend of the devil is a friend of mine?
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