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Everything posted by SaucyJack

  1. After midnight, we're gonna let it all hang down?
  2. Uh, yeah, we know...and that animal in your avatar should have boiled water before drinking it. Also, a lot of "conservatives" seem to have learned very little at religion school. Thank You.
  3. "They were all in love with dying, they were doing it in Texas"
  4. https://www.oregonencyclopedia.org/articles/animal_house_film_/#.YDGokBNKgW8
  5. 2.77%. I play craps and gamble, but not degenerately. A little off topic, but you get my drift.
  6. Now that's a Kraken
  7. hey, i'm warming up to run in a primary!
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1967_NFL_Championship_Game
  9. Happy President's Day!
  10. Our 22' class is going to be good...his response was "yes it is."
  11. We slept they business???
  12. Looks like Schumer endorsed McMurray. https://www.niagara-gazette.com/news/local_news/schumer-backs-mcmurray-in-ny-27-race/article_9a9a318b-fb5d-5d5e-ad0d-fe2cdfcce557.html https://www.votemcmurray.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/McMurray-Prospectus-NY27-6.4.pdf
  13. HOW IT STARTED HOW ITS GOING Tip to Beau Vine.
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