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Everything posted by SaucyJack

  1. Yes, the Arby's next door has had a sudden increase in staff.
  2. As the remdesivir briefings grow That's a shart, folks.
  3. Along with the sunshineThere's gotta be a little rona some time
  4. Serious question: what net worth is "rich as fuck"?
  5. Looks like those $10 cover charges at Oil Can Henry's paid off for you. NTTAWWT
  6. "We were executed at a high level". I member; you member?
  7. https://www.texasexes.org/about-us/history-and-traditions/eyes-texas Original lyrics: They watch above you all the day, The bright blue eyes of Texas. At midnight they're with you all the way, The sleepless eyes of Texas. The Eyes of Texas are upon you, All the livelong day. The eyes of Texas are upon you, They're with you all the way. They watch you through the peaceful night, They watch you in the early dawn, When from the eastern skies the high light Tells that the night is gone. Sing me a song of Texas, And Texas' myriad eyes Countless as the bright stars That fill the midnight skies. Vandyke brown, vermillion, Sepia, Prussian blue, Ivory black and crimson lac, And eyes of every hue.
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