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Everything posted by Cap33

  1. SIAP: AISD says cut off for contact tracing and notification is 48 hours. So if a kid tests positive more 48 hours of last being on campus, then no further action on their end. I guess the horse is out of the barn at that point, so that's one less thing admin has to document. And we're all on the honor system anyway, so whatever. My middle schooler tested positive this morning (home test), so we let the school know. I thought they'd prob contact my kids' friends because they ate lunch indoors on Friday, so I gave other parents a heads up. But I guess not. Also, my kid has been complaining of back pain. School nurse said she sent three kids home this morning because of back pain, so watch for that symptom in your kids.
  2. And the chick being an asshole who makes no sense. I hate them both.
  3. Cap33

    RIP Gerg

    Well, shit. RIP and Hook 'em.
  4. Johnny Manziel - 29 Scott Disick - 38 Mario Batali - 61 Chris Berman - 66 Clarence Thomas - 73 Eric Clapton -76 Francis Ford Coppola - 82 Gene Hackman - 91 Tony Bennett - 95 Queen Elizabeth - 95
  5. Check that. It's "Think Again."
  6. Adam Grant wrote a whole book about this called "Mindset"
  7. My kid went to school today. She didn't know anything about the TikTok posts or people planning to be disruptive (or worse) today, and we certainly didn't tell her. Most parents keep their concerns about stuff like that away from their kids for obvious reasons. But then about half of her friends went home at lunch because of all the shooter rumors spreading among the kids throughout the morning. Like BrazilHorn, my older kid went through O. Henry, and there were fights, vaping, gummies (though not actually at school, that we knew of anyway), bullying, etc. I still thought it was a really good experience overall because the staff handled everything pretty well. Things have changed a lot post Covid for whatever reason, and all of these previously one-offs are now weekly issues with very little effort to deter more bullshit from happening. It sucks.
  8. One was specific to O. Henry. Still prob just dumb TikTok stunt, but hits a little differently when it's your kid's school versus generalized threats.
  9. We're in the exact same boat. I am actively weighing options. Prob overreacting, but might just keep mine home tomorrow instead of going just for movie day. I get that the shooting threats are likely part of a sick trend, but there have been enough random fights in the hallways and cafeteria just in the last few weeks that I'd rather cut my losses and let the shit subside over the holidays.
  10. What a great life and legacy. RIP.
  11. This. It's just one dumb shit, peacocking stunt after another for this crew. But hey, I bet Steve, et al. can get another guest spot on MSNBC out of it.
  12. Okay, for the novice like me, what did you get? Ours could handle the fridge, WiFi, and a few lamps, but not a space heater. Y’all have convinced me to upgrade. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. O. Henry was a great school when my older kid was there three years ago. My younger kid is there now, and as mentioned, it's a different place. The same admin staff that had such a handle on things during our first go around seem paralyzed in disciplinary situations this year. For example, a couple of months ago, there was a daily brawl after school by the buses that soon spilled into the actual school day. Were these kids sent to the alternate learning campus or ISS for disruption and violence? Nope. Instead, they had their schedules rearranged and staff members were required to escort them in the hallways to prevent them from starting fights between classes. The teaching staff, for the most part, is pretty consistent, and we've been happy with them, even with my kid with dyslexia. I get that AISD has had Covid issues and teaching shortages to deal with, but Dr. Elizalde came in hot with an agenda to weaken the stronger schools and level the playing field. Covid may serve as her cover, but that does not excuse her approach.
  14. Terrific. Next she'll come for the Austin High academies.
  15. Is getting rid of block day and the electives simply a cost-saving measure? If so, that's a pretty stupid and short-sighted solution when the goal is supposed to be keeping kids from leaving the district. The new Superintendent sucks. If that's true about her approach to discipline, it would explain a lot about how different O. Henry is this year compared to when my older child went there with the same admin staff.
  16. Pos rep for new addition to my vocabulary.
  17. If by "hipster place" he means "where the asshole waiters bring you what they think you should have ordered instead of what you really ordered," then I agree completely.
  18. Just hold your horses. We've gotta burn a bunch of porn books first!
  19. I’m sure Lois Kolkhorst has already started planning out her Aggie zingers for the inevitable legislative hearings about this. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I heard a similar story, and that around the same time, she blocked efforts to beef up the program's social media presence specifically tailored to football recruiting. There were also reports that she resisted calls to improve mobile connectivity in the stadium with some bullshit about "the product on the field being all the fans should care about."
  21. This.
  22. Yes. Most people I know voted for Prop B (camping ban), but I'd say about half of those are either on the fence on Prop A or outright against it. Sure, it's a small sample size, but I don't think it passes.
  23. What pisses me off is that, when it doesn't pass (and I agree that it will fail in a close vote), those clowns will take it as the majority's approving their asinine decisions.
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