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Everything posted by Cap33

  1. Plenty of Topo with lime or grapefruit at Randall's, but they haven't had 12-packs of regular Topo for over a month now.
  2. Here is the petition. The 14th Amendment segregation claim is something else. Silva v. Eanes ISD.pdf
  3. Here we go: Ivana Silva; Aaron Silva as next friends of minors v. Eanes Independent School District; Eanes Independent School District Board of Trustees 8/30/2021 D-1-GN-21-004592 Constitution. Plaintiffs say defendants' mask mandate for Eanes ISD students goes against the state governor's executive order banning such mandates and "violates clearly established precedent regarding the non-segregation of students." Plaintiffs seek injunctive relief.
  4. Yes, my sophomore had no idea anything had happened. Other than the KXAN report, the scant info we've gotten has been through parent circles (and I'm sure much of that isn't all that accurate). I'm surprised and disappointed that there isn't more reporting on this.
  5. Yep, I have a sophomore and just about threw up when I got the message.
  6. And I will add: both parents are highly educated, which fits one of the general anti-vax molds.
  7. Add into this group the alternative health people. I know a couple with two young kids who are hard core anti-vax and anti-mask because they use alternative preventative measures that they say "actually help" -- things like nebulizers, supplements, eliminating dairy and gluten, regular exercise, etc. They won't be convinced to take the vaccine themselves until one of their health-guru podcasts says it's okay. It's maddening.
  8. CVS -- they hassled me about insurance info "for the system," but I refused. Anywhere you go, they'll ask your kid to say his/her DOB, so be sure to rehearse that before you get there.
  9. I got my 11-year old vaccinated before summer camp. No regrets. I know of plenty of 10-11 year olds who did the same thing. Walgreens checks for proof of DOB, so don't go there. And don't give them insurance info.
  10. Eanes sent this “clarification” to all staff yesterday. The upshot is that they can’t/won’t enforce mask wearing. Those are some shitty selfish teachers to refuse masks around medically fragile students. Truly, no words. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. KXAN report: https://www.kxan.com/news/education/eanes-isd-teacher-has-face-mask-ripped-off-by-parent-while-others-yell-at-her-school-reports/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Don't necessarily disagree on the outdoor sports thing. But inside gyms, locker rooms, and training rooms -- that's a different story.
  13. AISD has just notified coaches that players will be required to mask during practices and games (on the court/field and bench). Took the booster club president about a minute to send an email to parents urging us to write some poor person at the district because masks are "unsafe" for players putting forth maximum effort. 🙄
  14. Some places ask for proof of DOB (Walgreens), others only care about the parental consent. And correct, don't provide insurance info. There's no need for it, but some places want to put you in their system.
  15. Apparently the Eanes school board meeting last night was wild. Some doctors showed up (white coats and all) to explain the data and make the case for masks. A parent yelled out, "that's just your opinion!" and screamed at the board about how masks are killing kids. Good times! Meanwhile, all teachers and staff (about 500 people) are packed at the WHS cafeteria this morning for convocation, and a good chunk have no mask.
  16. And AISD board is having a special meeting tonight to discuss Covid safety protocols.
  17. I thought Missouri brought the monsoons to Austin?
  18. This is exactly what the pilot did on my United flight from Denver to Austin last weekend. Everyone was boarded, the FAs did their thing while the door was still open. Pilot comes out -- large, Scottish (I think) -- and basically said, "these are the mask rules. You don't have to like them, but you have to follow them. And if you don't think you can do that for the next two hours, then GTFO the plane right now because I'm not going to tolerate any BS." It was firm and effective.
  19. Made 1000x better with the music.
  20. Beat me to it. They live for online polls.
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