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Everything posted by Cap33

  1. Screw unplugging them -- just take garden shears and cut the cords. Check in the mail on Monday. Edit: @Sawbonz and I think alike.
  2. Cap33


    Stayed at the Marriott Grosvenor Square a few years ago. The club level room was worth it for us for the breakfast and evening snacks. We liked the location: Bond St. Station and Selfridges are a few blocks away. Going the other direction is Mount St. with some very nice window shopping. Felt like an easy walk to Marylebone, Green Park/Buckingham Palace, Piccadilly Circus, etc.
  3. My memory of the 1995 postgame includes Mike Adams holding the Longhorn flag and standing between the corps assholes and our fans on the field.
  4. SIAP https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/bullied-trump-supporting-white-student-cant-sue-race-discrimination-2024-11-14/ So the kid wears a MAGA hat to school, gets hassled for it, and sues AISD for racial discrimination?
  5. Yes, except the guest picker
  6. I really had no idea that some people have no internal monologue. I'm genuinely fascinated the more I think about this because I can't turn mine off. Also, I read a ton and can't even process how one reads without hearing it in your head. Thanks for sharing. As for memory, I remember just about everyone I meet -- faces, names, where we met, what we were doing, etc. I've had to learn that when I "meet" someone later I can't just blurt out, "Oh we met back in college. You were roommates with so-and-so, and we had Spanish together." It really freaks people out. So now I just say, "you look familiar, have we met before?" or I just play it off entirely.
  7. And the media who just shrug their shoulders.
  8. Voted yesterday at House Park / Austin Rec Center. Went after lunch rush, and it took about 30 minutes.
  9. Brad's lawyers are punching back. https://www.expressnews.com/news/article/suzanne-simpson-brad-simpson-san-antonio-19851951.php This is interesting: I just assumed he turned off her phone and destroyed it the night all of this went down, but I guess he/someone tried to make it look like she was alive and active the next day. And maybe I've missed it, but who told the daughter to school?
  10. This piece of shit is more worried about his own power than he is about the state possibly executing an innocent man. How Christian of you, Greg. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/10/21/texas-greg-abbott-robert-roberson/ Yes, you're perfectly happy to demean others when you think it gives your supporters a hard on, while ignoring yet another actual duty of your job. Just fuck all the way off with this.
  11. I've tried it, and I don't recommend it. They are impervious to any facts about what Trump says or does that 10 years ago would have set their hair on fire. These are people who believe they are smarter than most and to change course now would be an admission that they were wrong about the fucker. So they dig in and tell you you're a fool for supporting anyone else. So now when I see them, I just ask about their kids and move on.
  12. Fuck off, Jonah
  13. Whatever you do, avoid staying at the Hilton Sedona Resort at Bell Rock. It is one of the shittiest hotels I've ever stayed at, and it should be burned to the ground.
  14. Yep. This is an old R trick. Laura Bush and Cindy McCain did it, too. "Hey, I'm pro choice, so don't be scared to vote for my husband." (And I apologize for putting the Bushes and McCains in the same post as these shit stain Trumps.)
  15. He needs to be strategic about the major he's applying to. Then he needs to be sincere in the essays about why UT should want him in that program. Don't let an essay counselor/consultant drive the message. I don't know what the best source of information on the admissions criteria and percentages by major, but if going to UT is more important that a specific major, then target one of the less competitive ones.
  16. Came here to post excerpts from the opinion -- wow. Blacklock, Young, and (less surprisingly) Hecht put their names on that. Bitch slap, indeed. Probably too much to ask that they make Ken sit for deposition in the whistleblower case.
  17. Didn't Steve Patterson float the idea of putting a new basketball arena in Pease Park? Or am I just making that up based on all the other dumb ideas he had?
  18. Congrats on Bama. Did he consider Georgia? My oldest is there and loves it. Athens is a very cool town -- reminds us a lot of how Austin felt 30 years ago. So many Texas kids there too.
  19. Nope. They used to have access at halftime from one gate and return to the stadium as long as you scanned out. No more.
  20. Deleted. But fuck Kevin Mar.
  21. I met him once years ago through mutual friends before he got on tv. He's always been soft and thinks he's smarter than everyone else. Fuck him.
  22. Austin moms started carpooling girls for rush parties because it's so bad. One group of girls had to duck into a random house because some homeless asshole was chasing them and yelling at them.
  23. I swear the city waits until August to do most road construction projects.
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