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Everything posted by Cap33

  1. I can't speak for others, but I answer surveys about planned projects, show up to planning meetings (though not full blown council meetings -- talk about a magnet for the best and worst), and send feedback to the city departments and my councilwoman. Do you know how many times a plan has been modified or even slowed down for more review based on neighborhood feedback? Zero. Guess how many times I've even gotten a response to very neighborhood specific concerns I've shared? Zero. As has been discussed on this thread previously, it feels like the city hires consultants who are here for about 10 minutes, then they look at a street map and say, "here's how we're going to improve!" If people who actually live in the area have a different opinion, we're labeled NIMBYs or obstructionists or worse. I agree with you that we've missed the best window to really improve, and I bet we agree on a lot more. The city can't make everyone happy. I get that. I just wish that someone would listen to our very local perspectives and input before finalizing a plan and then complaining that we don't appreciate the effort.
  2. Yes. But I know of several kids who did not take AP classes or advanced math and got into Education and Communications majors.
  3. The city would get a lot more buy in if they'd actually listen to what the people have to say instead of charging ahead with stupid shit and then telling us that we don't know what we're talking about.
  4. Peterson was high school golf teammates with Phil Mickelson. I think he even followed him to ASU but couldn't make it there as a golfer. As I recall, the theory about him not wanting to be tied down with a family related directly to his belief that he should be living the lifestyle he deserved like his buddy Phil.
  5. I'm starting to think putting him in a holding cell until he completes his depo is in play. Monetary sanctions aren't going to faze him one bit. Neither would the threat of a death penalty sanction -- he's already said he won't put on a defense, so what good does it do to threaten to take it away? The voters in Travis County aren't going to vote out a judge who's trying to get a lawless litigant to comply with her order. And Kenny Boy would probably fundraise the shit out of that situation.
  6. That was all after the plaintiffs were fired, and they're focusing on discovery relating to their termination. It could come up later as they're proving up damages, but Dorfman prob is not a priority. Side note: I've met Dorfman several times, and my impression is that he's a nice enough guy but not that smart.
  7. Those emails are long gone. Litigation hold? Why would we have done that?
  8. Yes. And hurricanes* (see e.g., Rita, 2005). *Hurricanes that never get within 100 miles of Austin.
  9. Add to that 100 hours without power in 2023. I'll admit, this shit triggers me. But I'm not rushing to the HEB because if/when we lose power again, I'm not taking my Texas toast and toilet paper with me to the Marriott.
  10. Justices Devine and Blacklock are both up for reelection this year.
  11. Correct. Nate Paul is not a party defendant.
  12. This is a nice pick, especially after announcing her abdication today.
  13. Arianna Grande - 30 Meghan Markle - 42 Mario Batali - 63 Chris Berman - 68 Clarence Thomas - 75 Eric Clapton - 78 Pete Rose - 82 Francis Ford Coppola - 84 Lou Holtz - 86 Gene Hackman - 92
  14. I've been saying for years that I'm totally qualified to be an NFL coordinator. Today does not dissuade me from that delusion.
  15. Make no mistake: privileged and complacent women are the most dangerous of all.
  16. Maybe we can finally get that Warhol.
  17. Perfect wrap up post for this thread. 🤘
  18. Reading too fast and thought this was a reaction to Harrison Ford in Three Men and a Baby.
  19. Just gave us 1.5 second look, and you are still correct.
  20. I agree that we could have done a better job in Central Austin for the last 20+ years, but I disagree that it's a start. It's a panic-button. There are several posts up thread with sensible proposals for generating more housing in Central Austin while avoiding a blanket rule that creates the prospect of getting haphazard density at the whims of buyers/developers with zero understanding of or regard for the neighborhood as a whole. I attended my Central Austin neighborhood association meeting a few weeks ago for the first time ever, and this was the only real topic for discussion. There was overwhelming support for thoughtful, targeted zoning changes that align with transit corridors. The neighborhoods have pleaded with the City for a seat at the table to show them where allowing 3-9 townhomes or other multi-family zoning on one lot with no off-street parking will cause the most problems (e.g., across the street from the nearby elementary school), but we've been shut out of the process. Why? So the only option the City has left us with is total opposition to try and force a compromise. I haven't watched the YouTube thing, but I've read enough about it, and I think making some of the HOME proponents out to be the boogey man (or woman) is counterproductive. Most of us just want to have some input and be part of the solution rather than be told that someone with a computer program for citywide zoning and a theory about affordable housing knows better than we do about how to make this work in our own backyards. (Not to say that I know better than they do about city planning generally, but I can tell you that a fucking school bus can't get down certain streets with cars parked on both sides.)
  21. A SWA flight this summer was delayed over an hour because of a "broken" seat. After about half an hour with no update, a guy asked the gate agent, "So someone either shit their pants or threw up, right?" Gate agent just shrugged his shoulder and winked. When we finally boarded, there was an air freshener/diffuser thing right as you walked through the door.
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