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Everything posted by Cap33

  1. Cap33


    Did you do the prix fixe or a la carte?
  2. I just posted in the Abbott thread about how bad these tv hosts are at interviewing. Welker is bad, but she's not alone in letting the guests say whatever the fuck they want with zero threat of being called out.
  3. I wish the media were better at interviewing. She should have followed up by asking what the fuck difference does the number make, and why won't he answer the question. And it never ceases to amaze how bad he is at talking. Such an insincere and dumb man.
  4. I love this movie, and this is my favorite scene. Olympia Dukakis and John Mahoney were perfection.
  5. I don't think they really give a shit about smart traffic flow. How else are they going to convince people that mass transit is the solution to their traffic woes? Meanwhile, we have City Council members talking a big game about initiatives (read: spending money) to help combat climate change. How about all the cars sitting through multiple light cycles trying to make a fucking left turn to get to work because some dipshit timed the light to let exactly four cars through during rush hour? We'll be reminded that improved sidewalks and bike lanes are what passed in the mobility bond. I'm not sure it would have gotten the same support if people understood the trade off of constricting traffic flow to get those improvements.
  6. Well he was just going through all the permutations.
  7. And it was probably a $100 fake version anyway.
  8. Link? Pos rep for the Red Lobster Biscuit mix instead of Bisquick for the sausage balls. The kids want chili dogs, so I'll make the chili, and we'll have guac, queso, and pico. It's just the four of us, and I want everything to be ready and self-serve.
  9. I can't speak for others, but I answer surveys about planned projects, show up to planning meetings (though not full blown council meetings -- talk about a magnet for the best and worst), and send feedback to the city departments and my councilwoman. Do you know how many times a plan has been modified or even slowed down for more review based on neighborhood feedback? Zero. Guess how many times I've even gotten a response to very neighborhood specific concerns I've shared? Zero. As has been discussed on this thread previously, it feels like the city hires consultants who are here for about 10 minutes, then they look at a street map and say, "here's how we're going to improve!" If people who actually live in the area have a different opinion, we're labeled NIMBYs or obstructionists or worse. I agree with you that we've missed the best window to really improve, and I bet we agree on a lot more. The city can't make everyone happy. I get that. I just wish that someone would listen to our very local perspectives and input before finalizing a plan and then complaining that we don't appreciate the effort.
  10. Yes. But I know of several kids who did not take AP classes or advanced math and got into Education and Communications majors.
  11. The city would get a lot more buy in if they'd actually listen to what the people have to say instead of charging ahead with stupid shit and then telling us that we don't know what we're talking about.
  12. Peterson was high school golf teammates with Phil Mickelson. I think he even followed him to ASU but couldn't make it there as a golfer. As I recall, the theory about him not wanting to be tied down with a family related directly to his belief that he should be living the lifestyle he deserved like his buddy Phil.
  13. I'm starting to think putting him in a holding cell until he completes his depo is in play. Monetary sanctions aren't going to faze him one bit. Neither would the threat of a death penalty sanction -- he's already said he won't put on a defense, so what good does it do to threaten to take it away? The voters in Travis County aren't going to vote out a judge who's trying to get a lawless litigant to comply with her order. And Kenny Boy would probably fundraise the shit out of that situation.
  14. That was all after the plaintiffs were fired, and they're focusing on discovery relating to their termination. It could come up later as they're proving up damages, but Dorfman prob is not a priority. Side note: I've met Dorfman several times, and my impression is that he's a nice enough guy but not that smart.
  15. Those emails are long gone. Litigation hold? Why would we have done that?
  16. Yes. And hurricanes* (see e.g., Rita, 2005). *Hurricanes that never get within 100 miles of Austin.
  17. Add to that 100 hours without power in 2023. I'll admit, this shit triggers me. But I'm not rushing to the HEB because if/when we lose power again, I'm not taking my Texas toast and toilet paper with me to the Marriott.
  18. Justices Devine and Blacklock are both up for reelection this year.
  19. Correct. Nate Paul is not a party defendant.
  20. This is a nice pick, especially after announcing her abdication today.
  21. Arianna Grande - 30 Meghan Markle - 42 Mario Batali - 63 Chris Berman - 68 Clarence Thomas - 75 Eric Clapton - 78 Pete Rose - 82 Francis Ford Coppola - 84 Lou Holtz - 86 Gene Hackman - 92
  22. I've been saying for years that I'm totally qualified to be an NFL coordinator. Today does not dissuade me from that delusion.
  23. Make no mistake: privileged and complacent women are the most dangerous of all.
  24. Maybe we can finally get that Warhol.
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