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Everything posted by Cap33

  1. Perfect wrap up post for this thread. 🤘
  2. This is an atrocity
  3. Good lord, both of these teams suck ass
  4. Reading too fast and thought this was a reaction to Harrison Ford in Three Men and a Baby.
  5. Just gave us 1.5 second look, and you are still correct.
  6. I agree that we could have done a better job in Central Austin for the last 20+ years, but I disagree that it's a start. It's a panic-button. There are several posts up thread with sensible proposals for generating more housing in Central Austin while avoiding a blanket rule that creates the prospect of getting haphazard density at the whims of buyers/developers with zero understanding of or regard for the neighborhood as a whole. I attended my Central Austin neighborhood association meeting a few weeks ago for the first time ever, and this was the only real topic for discussion. There was overwhelming support for thoughtful, targeted zoning changes that align with transit corridors. The neighborhoods have pleaded with the City for a seat at the table to show them where allowing 3-9 townhomes or other multi-family zoning on one lot with no off-street parking will cause the most problems (e.g., across the street from the nearby elementary school), but we've been shut out of the process. Why? So the only option the City has left us with is total opposition to try and force a compromise. I haven't watched the YouTube thing, but I've read enough about it, and I think making some of the HOME proponents out to be the boogey man (or woman) is counterproductive. Most of us just want to have some input and be part of the solution rather than be told that someone with a computer program for citywide zoning and a theory about affordable housing knows better than we do about how to make this work in our own backyards. (Not to say that I know better than they do about city planning generally, but I can tell you that a fucking school bus can't get down certain streets with cars parked on both sides.)
  7. A SWA flight this summer was delayed over an hour because of a "broken" seat. After about half an hour with no update, a guy asked the gate agent, "So someone either shit their pants or threw up, right?" Gate agent just shrugged his shoulder and winked. When we finally boarded, there was an air freshener/diffuser thing right as you walked through the door.
  8. Of course not, and not expecting them to start today.
  9. Not so far. Looked the other way when OU WR fumbled after a catch.
  10. We had this issue too. Those fuckers will drive up and, if they don't think anyone is there, they'll just drive away. We had to have a person at the house constantly during working hours when they were supposed to show up so they couldn't pull that bullshit and actually do the inspection. No, they can't. Just as an example (and this could have changed in the last few years, but I doubt it), plumbing inspectors must be master plumbers, but the City doesn't pay them anything close to what a master plumber makes. What master plumber wants that work? That's why so many inspectors are semi-retired and DGAF.
  11. In all seriousness, the ban on Covid vaccine mandates is a wake-up call to the business community. They're starting to realize that this minority calling the shots is not business-friendly if the business interests get in the way of certain very large donors' social agenda.
  12. Look, these beauties aren't free. You may not recognize them from this picture which appears to show them just after installation. The ones you're probably used to seeing are black and damaged from UPS trucks running over them. If you're really lucky, you get the posts and the speed bumps that fuck up your car like these along Shoal Creek. Mobility bond funds at work!
  13. This x a billion. I really resent the city's refusal to engage the neighborhoods and come up with reasonable, workable solutions. Any dissent is met with being called a NIMBY or worse. It's like they've hired consultants to just overlay a new plan onto a map, pat themselves on their backs, and collect a check. Maybe I'm being hyperbolic in thinking that, but the utter refusal to listen to street-specific concerns and dismissal of alternate ideas sure makes it feel like that's what's happening. The City won't answer basic questions about whether we have the infrastructure (electric, gas, and sewer lines, to start) for this, what happens to the tree ordinances that will get in the way of three homes per lot, and (I'm being dead serious about this) how the city is going to pick up my trash and recycling if I have nowhere to put it because of all the cars parked up and down the street.
  14. The kicking challenge for me is the most entertaining part of the show week to week. LMAO that that stoner kid almost cost them $75K each.
  15. Why didn't they just move over to all the empty seats in the end zone?
  16. We had no trouble getting into the Fair through one of the east gates. The attendants were in "Show and Go" mode, and it was a breeze. Getting OUT of the Fair was ridiculously stupid because they made everyone walk through one narrow gate with a second one blocked by another attendant on her phone. I've never had to wait in line to exit before, and it's not like they were checking for people walking out with beers or anything. I don't get that at all. Getting into the game at Gate C was fairly typical, but they were not letting anyone through without Gate C being the designated gate on the ticket. Some students were arguing with the attendant about being sent around to their correct gate, and they held up the line with that discussion, but there wasn't anything unusual about the wait time. I usually try to get in 45 minutes before kickoff though. I guess those same attendants didn't give a shit about enforcing any rules whatsoever because they could not have cared less about showing a pass out slip after halftime. Getting into Section 11 was a real treat, and the cop standing there was just enjoying the game I guess.
  17. This was true in our area. The guy didn't even want to see my pass out ticket to get back in Gate C. I'm always amazed at the number of people who sneak in and make the concourses SRO viewing, but yesterday there seemed to be more of this than usual.
  18. In for $100 and good karma before hitting the road for Dallas.
  19. I grew up in one, so I'm well aware. But so is the church. If your church tells you to do online school while your kids keep their eligibility to play football, I think plenty may see it as a win-win.
  20. There's big money to be made in online schooling. That's how they'll appease the rural "Christian" base on the vouchers.
  21. My biggest concern is that the conference increases the degree of difficulty with some ultra shitty officiating because people are calling this a trap game, giving them reason to think they can get away with trying to fuck with us. Don't (shouldn't) make a shit. Hook 'em.
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