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Everything posted by Cap33

  1. Beer in wax cups, particularly that served at the State Fair, has restorative properties that may reduce the harm caused by running your Solo cups through the dishwasher.
  2. Same for the dishwasher. If you're going to use plastic food storage, hand wash it.
  3. We fly in/out of Denver twice a year. Every time we're on our back to to DIA, I wonder what family fleeced the government by selling off a bunch of worthless land. And I'm equally amazed that Pena isn't shut down nightly with accidents because the lighting and signage is so bad. Holy hell, I hate that airport. The kids always bitch about the SWA terminal not having a Chik-Fil-A, and I refuse to get on that stupid tram for any extra trips.
  4. It's obvious that this is no contest. So they'll flag Baylor enough to be able to point at this game and say, "See, here's a game where your opponent had more penalties than you, so stop whining."
  5. Re-upping this because 'tis the season for college applications... Does anyone have a source for last year's acceptance rates per college or major? My kid is not auto-admit but top 10% and applying to College of Liberal Arts as either Government or History major. I have heard from others who claim to have it on good authority that those two majors have a lower acceptance rate than other LA majors (except maybe Psychology), and that Colleges of Communication and Education are easier to get in. Anyone have any intel or sources you're willing to share? This stressed parent would very much appreciate it.
  6. This is all I hear from them after we beat Alabama: "The SEC is down across the board this year."
  7. And then the conference continues to fuck us over. I share the outrage, but we have no leverage behind closed doors. This is a job for John Bianco to start working the media with video evidence of the fuckery directed at both departing schools. No one will feel sorry for us because, if you haven't heard, we're responsible for the conference realignment upheaval. The point isn't to get sympathy; the objective is to make the Big 12 a national joke because it has the shittiest officiating and everyone knows it. Let the media put the conference and its chairman on blast for engineering outcomes and being the petty pussy ass bitches that they are. It's really hard to imagine the Big12 being so spiteful that they ruin the conference's best chance at having a playoff team, but then again it's the Big12.
  8. For it to happen before the 2025 session, I think it would take Abbott adding it to a special session call, and the House agreeing to fund it. (Someone correct me on that if it's wrong.) The House could tell Paxton no and force the TX Supreme Court to decide whether the Whistleblower Act applies to him as an elected official. If the Court gets that right and then lifts the abatement, discovery starts up again. And at trial, the plaintiffs will get a presumption of retaliation that the OAG would have to rebut.
  9. I rewatched De La Garza's cross, and when the defense was asking him about the time line, he didn't want to concede the date the whistleblowers went to the FBI because he didn't have personal knowledge of it. The lawyer was incredulous and asked him something like "you don't know? You're the head of HR, aren't you?" He answered "now, yes." If it were a regular trial, I have no doubt Dutko would've picked up on it, but he was thrashing the guy and on the clock. And as someone mentioned up thread, these senators are reading all of this anyway.
  10. Buzbee was rubbing Rusty's mistake in his face. If he really wanted to question Brickman (and I don't really think he does; Brickman is solid and pulls no punches), then he'd want to take him on cross and be a dick with a bunch of leading questions and "objection, non responsive as to everything after yes/no." Yes, he could do the same by asking to treat him as a hostile witness, but it's extra effort, and Patrick may not go along. And I agree they should have limited hearsay objections significantly. This has been ridiculous. I thought for sure she was throwing up in the bathroom.
  11. It doesn't piss me off at all. I find it amusing.
  12. $620 here. I feel like I need a generator for the ice storms and solar panels for the summer bills to cover everything that the utilities should be able to handle in the 21st century. Fuck you, ERCOT.
  13. I've never understood why AISD doesn't go all in on this. Set up a foundation and get after all these high tech companies that have come to town and have an interest in an educated workforce locally. Let them put their name on shit or be the exclusive supplier of laptops or or wifi or whatever.
  14. You're right. I'll call.
  15. A contractor from AE came around in May and put little yellow flags on two limbs in our backyard that they thought needed trimming because of their proximity to the power line. While they were here, I pointed at the limb in the yard behind ours resting on the power line and asked if that was a priority. Response: Oh yes, we'll be coming around in late-June or early-July to take care of it. Still waiting. One strong wind gust and our whole block (or more) is fucked. And why don't these lovely neighbors of ours just trim it themselves? "Oh, we rent."
  16. Seconded. Bummed they closed Island Creek Oysters at the Kenmore stop, but we made it over to Row 34, and it was as good (or better) than I had hoped.
  17. And not trying to diminish their loss at all. What a terrible, tragic situation. Working in the Texas prison system has got to be one of the worst jobs imaginable, particularly for women. I hope they find a way to hold TDCJ accountable.
  18. I wonder if she filed a workers' comp claim? Even if she did not, her individual damages claims for physical injury and resulting mental trauma are barred because workers' comp benefits are her exclusive remedy for OTJ injuries. (All state agencies have workers' comp.) The husband's claims are likely similarly barred. The only cause of action she and the husband might have left is that the employer intentionally caused her injury. That kind of claim isn't barred by workers' comp, but it's also really hard to prove. All that aside, the dumbfucks who continue to support and elect these assholes won't care a lick about the hypocrisy and instead will just blame the woman for not doing enough to save her child.
  19. We've stayed at the Parker House many times, and the proximity to Fanueil Hall and the North End is tough to beat. My favorite North End spot is Carmelina's, but you'll definitely need a reservation, Mamma Mia's and Giacomo's are good options. Neptune Oyster is up there too. It's really good and walk-in only. Don't skip the Mike's Pastry experience (cash only). On our most recent trip we stayed at The Newbury, and it was awesome. Saltie Girl is a few blocks away if you're looking for seafood. The hotel's fine dining restaurant is Contessa, which I understand is notoriously fussy so we skipped, but we had a great breakfast at The Street Bar on the first floor. Good spot for a short trip and a block away from the Arlington T stop. Get last minute tickets to a Sox game, go walk around the bars on Landsdowne before hand, and stay for as much of the game as you want. There's no place like Fenway, and if the investment isn't huge, you won't feel guilty sneaking out early once your daughter has her fill.
  20. Gotta hand it to the guy’s spokesperson — why stop at “deter” when you can throw in “repel” to convey the image of an insect, rodent, or other pest attacking us. Disgusting.
  21. Went about a week after @South Austin and also had the large seafood tower, along with a few other small plates and lots of drinks. I love this place.
  22. Kara Swisher had Lawrence Wright on her podcast during SXSW, and they talked about the influx of SF/Silicon Valley and all the ways Austin has changed rapidly. Despite our new neighbors' saying how they know damn well how they ruined SF and vowing to do better in their new city, they just can't help themselves because of their unwillingness to do one fucking thing that doesn't benefit their net worth. So the cycle will continue. And FWIW, my kid gets $12 at a Sno-Cone stand when she decides to work.
  23. Who's gonna tell him?
  24. 1000% this. He follows whatever his advisors tell him is good for Greg on that particular day.
  25. Look at the bright side: now we all can tint the shit out of our windows.
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