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Everything posted by NTVTXN

  1. What a great topic with SO many possible answers. First, Woodstock. If I survived that, I’d then hit these shows... Us Festival Live AID U2 at Red Rocks ‘83 SRV at ACL ‘89 - (never saw him) Petty - anytime, anywhere (again, never got to see him=huge regret) Pear Jam at Pink Pop in ‘00 AND at MTV’s Unplugged in NY Eagles - somewhere in ‘75 to hear “Seven Bridges Road” Not exactly a concert, but I’d love to have been able to drop in on PJ & Neil somewhere between Jan-Feb of ‘95 to watch them record “Mirror Ball” I could go on and on. Again, great topic! Thanks!
  2. LOVE all of these. Roy is/was a true gift. However, As a proud Native🤘🏻, I’m a bit partial to Willie’s version of “Pretty Paper”. But again, I won’t punch out of either of them! Merry Christmas, y’all!
  3. Yes it is. And IMHO a helluva lot better.
  4. One of my “modern” faves. And I sure I’ll get slaughtered for this but I personally think this is one of their best songs ....
  5. No. It’s not “inedible”. But it’s no Javier’s.(which is clear on the other side of the metroplex) it’s a place to see and be “seen” if you’re into that sort of “scene”... I can tell you one things, Mank. They’re freaking geniuses cause it’s a “straight cash, homie” type of operation. I mean you do get a receipt for your meal; but not if you got to one of the three bars to get a refreshment whilst standing in line to get in the joint. That place is printing money.
  6. 🗣🗣🗣 🌮 🇲🇽 🌯(“burrito”) 🥟(empanadas) 🍰(<tres leches?) 🥮(“flan”) 🗣🗣🗣
  7. Same as Baby A’s in the respect that it’s a great place to get dehydrated. Hell, it was a birthright to “go swimming” in the pool after one, two, or three too many tequila shots. I mean who among us hasn’t had that happen before?
  8. 🌬👍🏻⭕️💍
  9. Can you help us interpret this? 🖕🏻
  10. WAIT. Are we now saying that there’s a “Team Chorizo Bkfast Taco” and a “Team Chorizo Egg Bkfast Taco”??? WTF is wrong with you people?
  11. Hell, NORTH FUCKING TEXAS says “hey”...this place is getting so freaking homogenized.
  12. It’s a good place to get dehydrated, no doubt.
  13. Yet there’s not a single 🏈 emoji. WTF does this even mean??
  14. Baby A’s has gone to hell in a hand basket. 👎🏻
  15. Really? I see it as the same. Win as a TEAM, lose as aTEAM. get rewarded as a TEAM. Take punishment as a TEAM. Although, they do hand out MVP awards at the end of the season..so....???
  16. Wait. She smokes?? Check, please. I’m out.
  17. Great question...to which the answer may be a resounding “No”...or sadly an even more resounding, “Yes, that’s where he learned this behavior.”
  18. Username; it checks out.
  19. What? You don’t use pillowcases? Pleb...
  20. FIFY. Yeah, I know he was a fuck up. But he was a funny fuck up. fuck corby
  21. Take notes. As this...TSRH is how you poetry people.
  22. Oh, he’ll mos def “raise a fist”...up to his cuff...all up in his pooper chute!
  23. Bro, Should we take your posting this 87 times as a cry for help? Do we need to send the Victoria, Dalhart, Dumas, Refugio, Vidor, Sonora, Muleshoe or wherever the hell you live PD to conduct welfare check?
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