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Everything posted by NTVTXN

  1. Kendra Scott? Ps- I’m a #girldad. PPS - NO PICS! 🖕🏻
  2. However many bushels of wheat are equal to $3K....like 500?
  3. Is now an appropriate time to point out that Dave Prowse, the actor in the Darth Vader suit passed yesterday?
  4. While I agree the man can coach; there’s a better chance they could get Saint Coach Tom Landry (RIP) than Fitzgerald from Northwestern. I’d be shocked if that Guy ever leaves that place.
  5. And sometimes, like us all, you talk outta your ass...But hopefully not for long. 😉😬🤫🤜🏻🤛🏿✊🏿
  6. What made it horrible? Moreover, how was Herman’s interview? Stellar, I’m sure.




    This is a joke, right?
  9. Hopefully, if they don’t, we all do...IYKWIM 😉
  10. “It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!” I freaking love this movie.
  11. What is that Fumble #7? TRADE.
  12. Yes! I knew I was right. We talkin bout Pro’s. Not college. Pro’s. we talkin ‘bout Pro’s.
  13. FIFY
  14. not to derail further, but...here goes..Oh, how I (along with thousands of others) truly miss “old” Austin. My last visit to Mad Dog & Beans was with my then, GF, now Wife. We were sitting there enjoying lunch and my wife’s jaw just drops, like wide open. I think to myself “oh shit. What did I say?” All of the sudden some chic on a ten speed goes riding by in nothing but a pair of cutoffs and Converse 😂. Fun bags were swinging in the wind. Hell, if she’d hit a bump she’d probably knocked herself out! Classic.
  15. Wait. For reals? huh. Well, screw me. Thanks, @Tylerocks
  16. Or you could, you know, not watch.
  17. Pretty sure MN just built a nice domed stadium (at least it looked like it on TV today) And unless they had an aggy build it, I’m guessing they went the HVAC option.
  18. Thank you @Hpara759! I had forgotten about Dr. Duke. Pretty sure he used to be a staple on either Channel 8 WFAA up here in DFW (or was it Channel 5 KXAS?) Anyway, Dr Red Duke is a GREAT TEXAN.🤘🏻
  19. Thanks for this @atomheartbevo! holy guacamole- This stuff is just so fascinating!! And what a terrible reminder that she had to endure every time she went to work- Somewhere she should be able to “escape” from that part of her life. Children are always the victims one way or another. I’m not saying LHO did it- I’m not saying he’s innocent - but poor Rachel sure is/was...
  20. Whoa. Chili Parlor on Lavaca? Holy Shit. I’ve walked by that place many a time and never knew this. (But never eaten there; is it good?) it always amazes me that one could be walking down a street in really any town/city and someone/something of historical significance has happened there, or lived there, etc. Just blows me away. I guess I’m a simpleton in that manner...
  21. I actually asked her while at a company event. She told me “He never speaks about it. I guess that’ll do it to you when you’re holding the President’s brains in your hands”. This was 30yrs ago when we worked together. I’ve always wondered the affect this had on him. I never met the man, but aside from the literal shock of holding another human’s brains in your hands, (I mean this wasn’t just the President of the US, it was JFK and everything that went along with it)...I’m guessing it had a profound impact on his life. Apparently he was interviewed by Stone, himself, for the movie. The story I’ve always told myself was that there was SO much unknown going on that he kept quiet about it for many reasons... 1) respectively for the Kennedy Family 2) respect for his Country 3) and maybe/probably fear for his own life and that of his own Family I always think of him when I hear PJ’s “Brain of J” . The whole thing just fascinates me. Hell, the whole reason I pulled up this thread was because I was channel surfing and stopped on a NatGeo special “JFK’s Last Hours” or something to that affect. It was good. Lots of footage I’d never seen. Did you know that on Saturday morning, 11/22/63 JFK attended a breakfast in downtown FtW and the Texas Boys choir sang. I think the doc said they began their performance with “The Eyes of Texas”. I found that quite ironic...
  22. Honestly, no. But still would like to see a “game”, not just an ass kicking.
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