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Everything posted by NTVTXN

  1. Listen to this man. He knows that a turtle can’t change his shell. #turtletomisnowourstandard🖕🏻
  2. So you left/graduated (I hope!) and things have gone to shit. How would you feel about going back? Like in the Spring! For your Masters, or Doctorate, of whatever the hell is after that! Just.Go.Back.NOW.
  3. You think they’d be happy to get him fired? From my experience, they’re likely driving the “Keep TH” bandwagon...just like they were “Keep MB”
  4. 0-2 in last two games (should be 0-3 in last three games)
  5. Give me 11 “Sam Ehlingers” and I’m in
  6. I’m willing to bet if they brought in Meyer he’d win with the two Coordinators AND the current players.
  7. Look at that fucking “Loud” button. That butch is barely hangin’ on! THAT’s the way you do it @markstanco!
  8. I’m not opposed to firing UConn Tom mid-week and replacing with Urban if that’s an option. FIFY 😉

    Longhorn Network

    For those of you still living in the dark ages, like myself, and are still paying exorbitant monthly fees for DirectTV; call them and ask about the extended sports pack promotion they ran this time last year. I called them on Monday and ended up getting it free for 3mos. ($13.99/mo thereafter). So, I’ll see game 1, at least...I hope.
  10. I wholeheartedly agree with both of these opinions.
  11. You’re hitting on 2/3 here for me. I happen to think R.E.M. is one of the greatest bands of all time. (Which May an “unpopular” opinion?) A few of my other unpopular opinions are... Green Day sucks Bob Dylan can’t sing for crap Grateful Dead’s music all sounds the same and sucks ”Imagine” is overrated and I can’t stand the song. All of, and I mean ALL of today’s “rap” sounds the same- I can tell if it’s Drake, T Scott, K Lamar or Migos. It all sucks. I’m sure there’s more, but now I’m in a shitty mood from having to think about all these craptastic bands/songs.
  12. “betonline_”ag”? Makes sense that an aggy would put rattler’s odds better that Sam’s...🙄
  13. Yeah, I hear you. They’ve definitely had some funky mojo going on up there re: QB’s. Call me a starry eyed, kool-aid drinking fan boy; I’ll own it...But I’m confident the tide begins to turn this year. 🤘🏻
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