Been a while since I visited this thread but just had something so ridiculous happen that I was instantly reminded of it. Wife and I are sitting down watching a documentary about Yellowstone as winter approaches. We're both really into it. I'm tired, long day at work and 2 drinks in but really enjoying the show. They get to a part about foxes hunting in the snow, jumping and nosediving to catch mice or whatever they can find. Wife is talking and commenting and saying something about how they seem so cat-like and I'm neither listening nor not listening, not offering any opinions of my own, I just want to watch the show. So the segment ends and they move on and the wife says something like "Wait, no, they're not in the cat family, they're in the dog family" I return to reality and look at her and say "The fox?? You thought that was a cat?!" Her "Well it seemed like a cat, it was stalking and jumping" Me "Look at the snout, ears and body, it looked nothing like a cat!" Her "Well I was trying to have a conversation about it but you just kept nodding your head" Me "I was watching the show, I thought you just meant it seemed cat-like while it was hunting. I didn't realize a conversation was required to ascertain that a fox is not a cat." I love her to death, she's an executive at her company and one of the smartest humans I know but good god I was at a loss for words tonight.