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Everything posted by NateHitch

  1. Are you vegan?
  2. Onion rings are always the top option for me and tots are the main fixture when we do burgers at home but I do love me some hand cut fries that are done right
  3. There's no sense to be made out of any of this. You must get the vaccine. Ok cool. You also gotta wear a mask after getting it. Huh? Um ok. You're also subject to our testing that has resulted in a ton of false positives. Cool. You tested positive despite having been vaccinated, wearing a mask, having no symptoms and taking a test that is known for false positives. It doesn't matter that you tested subsequently tested negative, you can't coach this game. Tell me again why the vaccine is necessary?
  4. Yeah we suck but it's still fun to win. Had a good time watching this game, go Stars!
  5. Wtf is this? I'm catching up on this thread and saw this. Going to change my password cause this is some weird shit, I didn't respond to that post and if I had I would have made it coherent
  6. Pin copied text snippets to stop them expiringSlide clips to delete them after 1 hour
  7. Chicago is shooting 50%
  8. Chicago is shooting 43%
  9. Fuck you and your brother Subban
  10. We should keep this Pavelski guy around
  11. I'm having fun, just going to enjoy this game and this season for what it is. We got some young talent, just going to watch them develop
  12. The squeeze ain't squoze yet. I'm finally green on AMC. Not in on GME but I've been keeping an eye on it. No idea what's going to happen but diamond hands and all that, not selling.
  13. After all these years I'm still not sure if he's just inept or a master level troll. I'm leaning towards troll but I really have no idea
  14. So we're going to the playoffs right?
  15. What a day. Went from questioning my entire existence to being solidly in the green. This shit makes no sense. Rough days aren't over but I think I see land on the horizon
  16. Holy shit we actually scored
  17. That last minute might be the saddest, most depressing thing I'll see all year. Just complete ineptness.
  18. Dominated all but 3 min of the game. Gave that shit away, good teams don't get comfortable and try to cruise
  19. Happened a little sooner than I expected but I'm sitting in my lawn chair munching on my popcorn, let's go.
  20. I couldn't watch this game and we won so by my calculations if I don't watch the remaining season we win the Stanley Cup. I'll take one for the team.
  21. I have a pretty insignificant amount of money in AMC, I averaged down some but still bleeding like a chick on her menstrual. That said I'm not convinced this gamestop/amc shit is over with. These crazy diamond hand reddit guys are holding. I'm not going to pretend to be any sort of expert, I'm sure there are plenty of shady tactics that can be used to combat it, but these hedge funds still have tens of millions of shares that have to be bought back. I have a small iron in the fire so I'm just kinda watching and rooting for further chaos
  22. I just told the wife a few min ago I can't remember the last time we won. Depressing.
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