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Everything posted by NateHitch

  1. Yeah inconsistent sauce coating is inconsistent. Would still eat though
  2. Look for badgers at night east of valentine. That's where I finally found them but now that I got the 3* I needed I see them fairly often of course
  3. Are we going to throw a single pass to Collin Johnson?
  4. Realistic goals: Drink less Clean and finally organize garage Take eating and health a little more serious Take cooking classes Less realistic goals: Actually drink less Stop cheating on wife with your mom
  5. Enjoy your whiskey man, who gives a shit what others think
  6. Just got home, ended up having a great time. Going to have one more bourbon and hit the sack. Happy New Years assholes!
  7. Getting dragged to a small get together. Wife is super excited about the bacon wrapped asparagus and spinach dip she's bringing. I'm looking forward having some good scotch, the husband always has good stuff. They'll want to play cards against humanity even though we all have the whole game memorized. It'll be fine but best of all they live 5 min away.
  8. Spoiler alert: So I breezed through chapter 5, it was much shorter than I expected. I didn't explore any of the island and only studied, tracked and killed one species of new animal. Did I miss much? I typically take my time and explore every bit but it ended faster than I expected
  9. Had some leftover pecky cypress and some red oak. Combined them to make a medal holder/picture frame for the wife. Oak and cypress took the stain differently but I'm happy with the final product and yeah, you fucks got a pic of the wife.
  10. This is fucking fantastic, well done man!
  11. Anyone having a problem with tapa randomly subscribing you to boards? I go and unsubscribe from everything and next time I get on I'm subscribed to random shit again
  12. Leftover butcher block from kitchen island + wood burning kit from Amazon = cutting boards for errbody
  13. So when you get a notification of a new journal entry how do you check to see what it was? I open my journal but it never opens to anything related to what I was doing at the time
  14. That hasn't been my experience at all. Do you have to enable the trinket? Put it on or something? I feel like I see more 3* animals since getting it but nothing more than that
  15. He missed the fork for the moped race and didn't reserve any fucks for the pussy bikers, we all gon lose now
  16. Some cats like boobs but most are just assholes
  17. There's a cat so I'm posting it here.
  18. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-0flFW2Lyj-M/XA9yDKk7jiI/AAAAAAAB7Co/w5y2O3DJae8hYCbv_n2gh9Qdp1OIkieVwCJoC/s530-rw/ezgif.com-gif-to-mp4%2B%283%29.gif Edit: dunno how to embed this one
  19. Stand next to your horse and go to the weapon wheel, scroll over to the horse wheel and it should be on the bottom left of the wheel
  20. That satchel is a pain in the ass to get but it's worth it imo. I'd keep plugging away at it. Bucks aren't as common as doe but they're still plenty around. I like to just find a high spot and look around with a scope or binoculars, you'll find them soon enough.
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