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Posts posted by NateHitch

  1. Excellent call and you're right, I had never heard of it and neither had several wood places I called. They acted like I was just making shit up. Got one end done and took a chisel to the side pieces, trying to make a faux beam. Happy so far, the other side is drying and then I'll start in it 65b830ffd6e4a466e731af1901ad5aae.jpg

  2. So my 2011 Tacoma is making the power steering whine sound but fluid level is fine, no leaks.  Is it possible it's the power steering pump itself that's just going bad?  Steering feels just fine, no issues but the sound is unmistakable.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Speedtrucker said:

    So I’m logging off having completed 0 missions for the day.

    This right here.  I'll set off to get some story quest done and an hour later I've got a bunch of hides, a carcass on the back of my horse and several varmints on the side while I'm running for my life from people that I'm not sure why they're trying to kill me

  4. It's full of salt right now so not going to check mine but if yours is barely shooting a foot then it's just a bad gun.  It should have a range of 3-5 feet.  2 feet away should either kill or mostly kill a fly

  5. I don't get the laborious explorations thing.  Clunky control I can understand but I've found settings I like and have gotten used to it, not even remotely a deal breaker.  My issue is there's just so much to it.  Challenge upon challenge, crafting, upgrading, every animal has 3 different levels of quality, etc...  It's a good problem to have but it's not a game you can just jump in and play for a bit, you have to set aside a good chunk of time every time you play.  Wife is enjoying the story and cut scenes so that helps

  6. 5 hours ago, 52-80 said:

    i got a 2.0 lawn and garden edition....shooting it empty and feeling the air pressure it feels like a mouse fart.  with salt the thing barely projects 1ft out.  my salt is granulated sea salt and seems a bit finer than standard table salt...maybe that makes a diff but so far this is a waste of money

    You got a bad one, contact them and let them know.  They're pretty good about taking care of defects

  7. Got the legendary bear skin and then somehow managed to get stuck between some rocks, couldn't move or jump out. Had to reset to the last auto save and then it said I abandoned the bear kill so sucks to be you. Seriously considering restarting the game, I get pretty OCD about stuff like this

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