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Everything posted by NateHitch

  1. No they're not. Hedge funds are trying to make it look like silver is the next squeeze because they're heavily invested and need to cover their massive losses. Spend any amount of time on reddit and you'll see they're not in on this one
  2. Hell of a save there by khudobin
  3. I missed the GME train, got too expensive for my blood. But I did grab 250 shares of AMC on Friday just for the hell of it. Just going to hold along with those crazy mf'ers and hope it rockets
  4. Not sure if the uniforms are growing on me or I'm just loving the blowout, or maybe it's just the Glenmorangie but that was fun
  5. Gotdam that was a rocket
  6. Flukey perfect bounce right to him
  7. Not digging the uniforms, I don't want to be the Oregon Ducks of the NHL. The winter classic uniforms are classic and timeless, fuck this neon shit
  8. I'm drunk and high off what just happened today, my favorite play got blown up and the best is yet to come. A message was sent today
  9. And this
  10. I keep watching and it keeps getting better
  11. Holy shit that was sweet!
  12. Half court shot there
  13. I dropped youtube tv and signed up for ATT tv because they carry fssw but damn its a hot mess. Just logging in is a chore, it likes to randomly log you out for no reason. Once you log in you get to navigate the unintuitive interface. All for $85 a month. Have 2 weeks to mess around with it but I'm thinking I might just cancel and go with the streams
  14. Was there a 5 on 5 goal scored tonight? Seemed like they were all pp's
  15. That Citron GME video was so great, so satisfying to see him squirming in his chair
  16. Insiders are starting to sell which isn't a good sign. A lot of us caught that Kodak ride but it also left a lot of people devastated. GME definitely feels different this time though
  17. We'd all have a lot more fun if we could convince Citron to leave our plays alone
  18. I was looking at tickets a few days before the game and lower deck was $200-350, the cheapest I saw was $110 in the nosebleeds
  19. It was said and it will be done. Will not be washed and will be worn every gameday
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