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Everything posted by NateHitch

  1. You'd think that the team that had a head start would be more conditioned and less rusty than the one that just got started
  2. Damn that was fun, so nice to have hockey back
  3. It's the Radulov jersey I'm wearing, you're welcome. C'mon hat trick
  4. What happened to Benn? Stream gets all wonky if I try to rewind
  5. Boom after boom!
  6. Nevermind, just had to mute one of the ads
  7. This works great but anyone else getting a random tocking noise? Like someone tapping on a hollow tube?
  8. I'd add DGLY to that list too, made me some money after the capitol shit
  9. Are you guys holding your positions through the inauguration? I'm debating selling some off in case some crazy shit goes down tomorrow
  10. NOVN ran on no news, that was all large scale orders. Big fish scooped up a ton of shares and then retail traders took profits and it dipped. It'll be the only FDA approved treatment for molluscum, catalyst #1. But wait it kills covid too?? Catalyst #2
  11. And if it doesn't turn out well you can always chop it up and make enchiladas or mix in some bbq sauce and do chopped beef sandwiches
  12. Hey man, my first few briskets were barely edible, it's a finicky cut that takes quite a bit of practice but you learn with each one. It's not like a pork shoulder that you can overcook and it'll still be fine. We might talk shit but we've all been there, live and learn
  13. Like Anastasis said, kosher salt and course pepper is your friend. A 3-1 or 4-1 pepper to salt ratio applied liberally all over will give you the best bark you've ever had
  14. That's a big cut of meat, it can take a good amount of seasoning. Hit up the sides next time, slather that shit all over. That's my only critique, I've never smoked anything when it was that cold outside so looking forward to hearing how it goes
  15. Leftover charro bean/pulled pork frito pie
  16. Bacon and homemade chorizo charro beans. Lot of work but pretty damn good
  17. Not sure if posted yet but I came across this today. This is one of my favorite YouTube accounts, he has some great videos but words can't describe what he just inflicted upon a brisket here and he and his family can't hide the fact that it obviously turned out tougher than leather judging by their reactions while trying to consume it
  18. Well hey there IDEX
  19. Novn is my biggest position now, I've been in and out of it since the run in June but currently fully loaded at .63 IDEX is acting like a little bitch so I moved a lot of that to novn. Nitracil kills and prevents covid. Throw in a new, more contagious variant and ok then, let's go
  20. Who do you use?
  21. CHEK running hard, had a starter position but have been too busy to stay on top of my stonk acct, wish I'd bought more
  22. Not sure either, I think it's just running in sympathy to BNGO but NOVN has some catalysts coming. Chart looks primed for a nice run, much more solid and stable this time around
  23. Vaccine kicked in and put my wife in the hospital. If you have any form of allergies please be very careful
  24. So sorry for what you're going through, sending warm thoughts to you and your girl. Such a hard thing to understand, going from pneumonia to what seems like maybe nerve damage? Hang in there man. You gave her a good life, be with her until the end.
  25. She got bigger and her favorite chair stayed the same size and she just looks at us and tries to understand how this could happen
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