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Everything posted by NateHitch

  1. Needs more pepper
  2. Let it ride. I've never probed the point but it has so much fat in it that it'll be fine while the flat finishes up
  3. Buddy of mine sent me this earlier, he took advantage of a $5.99 sale
  4. Goddamm, I lose track of this thread and get caught up and become overwhelmed with all the shit I need to try now. Well done gentlemen, carry on
  5. If anyone was in on GLSI congrats on your early retirement. Jesus
  6. Yeah I'd had a bourbon or two when I read the first one, made more sense upon rereading
  7. And if anything is a "front" for the Chinese it's Alibaba and I'm sure we've all been riding that at some point or another
  8. A lot of uncertainty about Chinese stocks lately but idex is headquartered in NYC. If stocks are delisted it shouldn't affect idex. I'm not sure what you mean about idex being a front for the Chinese. Send some links, I feel like I've been on top of it but maybe bias is clouding me. Either way I set stops a while back.
  9. DoorDash ipo at $102? Holy shit. I'll either buy back at $30 or be wrong af
  10. GNUS is my worst L ever, bought high and finally threw in the flag. Bought back in at $1.15. I'll accept my lumps but I still like what I see, Netflix for kids in a time when parents are trying to entertain kids at home cause they can't go anywhere. And you got Ahnold as a cornerstone
  11. Outside of FCEL, GNUS and NOVN I sold off all positions and put it all on IDEX until the Medici PR. That $2.00 support has been impenetrable. My biggest stonk gamble ever, hope she do what she suppose to do
  12. One bad motherfucker. He was a bit before my time but I have strong memories of him. My best friend and I started mowing lawns when we were around 10 and my first two purchases from the ample proceeds was a slingshot and his autobiography which I've probably read 10 times since. Still have it. We need more men like him. RIP Chuck.
  13. Had a few ripe mangos that I needed to get rid of. Tossed in salt and lime juice and coated one rack with tajin, one with ancho chile powder and one with a mix of ancho and arbole chili powder. Dehydrate at 135 for 6 hours
  14. Seeing more and more talk about GIX, climbed some today. Twitter pumpers are on it but seeing some chatter from some slightly less degenerate traders as well. Looking to add a position on Monday cause why not.
  15. Had a fun one night stand with NOVN a while back. She knocked on my door today, she might be ready for round 2
  16. Yeah I briefly looked into them and didn't see much noteworthy. Just going to keep an eye on it and hope to get in if they pump it
  17. Yates, Lizard and the usual penny pumpers are all talking about GIX now. Added to watch list. When they all start talking about the same stonk at the same time it usually climbs soon after
  18. I got stopped out but bought back in. I like it, it's been good to us after the offering, but there's a lot of nervousness and uncertainty because of this: https://www.barrons.com/articles/china-delisting-bill-could-pass-this-week-in-u-s-what-that-means-for-investors-51606903200 Keep your stops tight, still thinking it could break $3 in the next few weeks but keep a close eye on the delisting bill.
  19. Didn't realize Fernando was in his 60's, thought he was 30 or 40
  20. I'm a little behind on the stream but is there bad blood between Rhyner and Fernando? There were some testy, awkward exchanges there mostly by Fernando
  21. I use webull but I know other apps, like thinkorswim, allow after hours trading. As far as I know robinhood does not
  22. I don't think it has a chance in hell of passing but just the fact that there's a vote is enough to create some momentum on top of an increasing number of states legalizing. I set an alarm for 2:55 am and grabbed a bunch of SNDL right at 3am and was not disappointed. Just play it safe, weed plays don't usually keep their gains for long. Set stops and secure profits
  23. I sold 60% at $2.70 and going to hang on the the rest for a few weeks, I think it could climb up towards the pre-offering price. I have a sell set for $3.25. EV's are taking a beating today in general
  24. Upcoming vote on federal legalization of weed, all eyes on cannabis stocks. Have been in and out of ACB for a while, looking to load some SNDL
  25. Twitter pumpers are starting to talk about MTNB, might be another pump n dump soon
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