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Everything posted by NateHitch

  1. We'll probably never again see as memorable a season as this one, from the terrible start to the recovery, new coach, covid and the bleak restart. Tampa deserves it though, hell of a team they have. I'll be rocking my Stars shit proudly though, they never quit.
  2. Yeah it was George with the catalyst and then Gordo running with it
  3. Does anyone have Gordo's semen possible audio? Maybe I'm just bad at searching but I can't find it online
  4. Made a batch of brats, hot links and jalapeño cheddar sausage
  5. And yet they needed a phantom call to close this one out, but go ahead, keep giving them a rim job
  6. Had to record the game and watch, finally caught up. Dallas will not be given a chance to win this series, it's being gifted to Tampa. Refs were just waiting for any reason to give a pp to Tampa, if it wasn't Benn it would have been some other bullshit call against someone else
  7. Petty nonsensical penalties were the difference, need a little discipline
  8. What's the word on Faksa? Was it a hand injury?
  9. Stars scored 2 min after I put the shirt on her, she'll be wearing this shirt every game whether she likes it or not
  10. Would have liked one more game for them to beat each other up while Faksa and the others recuperate but fuck it, let's go
  11. Don't even care what you're referring to, I never have been and never will be as whiny a little bitch as you are. There's nothing riveting about you being glued to radio shows you just want to bitch and moan about and then lash out against people that are tired of your shit. Turn the fucking Ticket off and move on with your life. You suck, your personality is a beating and I'm sure your response will be on par with your tired ass act. Fuck off.
  12. Then don't listen. And then when you don't listen you won't post about it. And then when you don't post about it we'll all be better for it.
  13. One of our go-to's is that with avocado, I guess a BLEAT. I'll make one soon and post pics
  14. Yup, just wondering if anyone has gone and how it was
  15. Anyone gone to see a game at the AAC? Thinking about going to see a finals game there
  16. Put a bounty on Reaves, tired of his cheap ass
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