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Posts posted by DCLonghorn

  1. I wasn’t going to reply but you nailed it.
    These moves have almost nothing to do with attendance.  Attendance is constrained by stadium size which typically is indicative of how many alumni/fan you have in the general vicinity of (reasonable travel distance to) your campus. No point in building a 80k seat stadium if most of your alumni live in a city center 2 hours away.  But that doesn’t mean those same alumni aren’t watching on TV (which is what pays for the vast majority of the revenue).  Boise State’s value is not correlated to their 36k seat stadium.  You can pack a 50k seat stadium every other week but if no one else is watching the game on TV, then that doesn’t mean dick.  It can be one of serval factor under consideration, but it should not be your primary data point.
    UT makes more money on tickets sales than TV revenue (pre COVID). Ticket sales are still a huge part of the budget.

    Last year, we made $20.6m on media rights. In 2019, we made $37m on ticket sales.

    Of course TV/streaming has more growth potential than tickets. But with cord cutting, that's not a given.

    And these numbers are before our new uterine suites are raising more money...and before any SEC TV money bump.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. Yeah, not saying they're not there, just saying they don't really dominate the conversation, football wise.   UVA is positioned more as basketball.
    My NoVa eyeballs always see three times more WVa gear on folks than VTech or UVa gear on Saturdays. But a lot of all three. After those three, I see as many Longhorn decals on cars as any other national brand...ND, Ohio State, etc. Some UNC. Lots of military academy license plates... mostly Navy, then Army. But this place is full of folks from every where. I have a TCU flag and another Longhorn on my block. And a bunch of SEC flags in the hood. I don't give a shit, but the VA DMV offers aggy plates, but no UT plates. I always guessed that's because we just go with the metalish Longhorn decal over a plate. I see way more Horns than aggy... But they are around here too.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Clemson and Florida State may not be Texas and ou, but there is a lot of value in blowing up the ACC if the SEC has grand visions in the long-term. Go to 20 with those two and North Carolina plus Virginia and you force Notre Dame into a decision. Pick off the BIG three to close the door on the rust belt option and Notre Dame has to come. Grab some PAC schools and select a couple more BIGs or ACCs to get to a national conference with four 8 or 9 team divisions.
    My guess is that ESPN is less interested in poaching from another all-ESPN conference. If the ACC is as relatively underpaid and locked into such a long contract as discussed pages above, that's a good deal on good content for Mouse. Why blow that up when you can blow up Fox properties in the Big 12, Big 10, or the PAC?
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Well now ESPN has another network to throw lower tier SEC games to, the rebranded LHN now known as the SEC2 Network. Plus ESPN+ is going to get a lot of content, thus driving up subs. 
    No doubts... But big doubts OU will be happy with that based on their anger over Fox Big Noon game.
  5. I am starting to wonder if the remaining Big 12/Ir8 structure becomes a Fox property when ESPN backs out... So that this fight for the remains is Fox v ESPN. Ir8 can go to ESPN, which is the stronger network, but the lesser conference (for now), or choose to keep the Big 12 and expand with the stronger conference but lesser network money. This could get interesting.

    Will Bowls y send the same letter to Fox? Ha.

  6. For that real 90s throwback feel, you had to be calling Tex from a pay phone at some gas station in the middle of nowhere.
    I called TEX from an airplane phone over the Pacific ocean. It cost a fucking fortune, but felt pretty damn futuristic compared to sitting on the ground in the Drum waiting for someone to come drop a class in person.
    • Hook 'Em 2
  7. So is it your contention that UT softball is historically an NCAA power, like say volleyball or women's swimming & diving or track & field?  (Purposefully ignoring women's basketball.)
    Nope... Just odd to say they underperform every year a month and a half after they made super regionals.
  8. I have a sneaking suspicion that the B12 is t going to die, and so this will go the legal/negotiated buy route.
    We all talk about schools poaching the Tagalong 8, but which ones move the needle enough to make the move worthwhile?
    Can you justify expansion to USC and UCLA by saying TT and OSU will bring in more $$?
    Does bringing in KU, ISU or OSU fly with Minnesota or Michigan, knowing that those inclusions won’t increase the payout and will finally kill the dream of landing ND?
    How do you sell WVU to the rest of the ACC, knowing they are only “valuable” for a group of 3 geographic rivals.
    Yeah... I keep wondering why 16 is a magic number. Why do the others have to follow if they can't poach great programs?
  9. That makes me wonder where Lowell Galindo will wind up?
    Everyone should spend some time watching SECN and Paul F. You may miss Lowell before too long.

    I wonder if there will still be a need for what he does calling sports and pre game shows, just much less of it. I hope they find a way to put the LHN content on E+ or SECN+ and they keep up the pregame/halftime stuff for at least the big 3 sports. For all the LHN grumbling, it goes a long way to connect far away alumni to UT. And nothing better to indoctrinate my kids in all thing UT from a time zone away.
    • Hook 'Em 3
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