When I was a kid, my mom brought her 20 guage outside to drop a pitbull (or similar) that came over for kitten snacks several times. She had me go talk to the owners a couple of times. Didn't help. The dog would just rip off the bottom of the wooden fence around the back yard and roam the neighborhood. They said they couldn't control the dog. Didn't even need to dig...just tore up the fence. We were heading to the car, she sees the dog with kitten in mouth, tells me to go get in the car, and she went in to get the shotgun. All I can see is the dog, not mom. The dog was just happy as hell wagging it's tail so hard it was moving around so proud and happy it got that kitten. It was not aggressive in the slightest to me or mom, and seemed like it was showing her the proud kill/toy. But it wasn't leaving the yard. Boom. Then the most unexpected thing happened. That dog just ran away. Not at all what I expected. I thought she missed. Kids found it a couple of blocks away legs up and pellet marks all over a day or so later...good shot from Mom. She forever had the reputation as the Dog Lady (layup for Shag/Surly jokes). And of course, since that dog was no threat to her, she could have gotten in some hot water for doing that, especially since she had time to go back inside and get the gun. But it's Texas, so no complaints from owner or neighbors. She later got her law degree after I headed off to UT, and talks about the dozens of ways she could have been in trouble or the half of dozen other things she could have done. Never even occured to her to fire into the ground or shoot rock salt....she wanted that scalp. Hell, as I write this with hindsight, I don't know how she popped that dog without hitting the neighbors house...she had to be within five feet...she's really short and houses are really close.
I wonder if that dog in your story really was coming full throttle at you if it could still get at you even if shot? I defer to you and the hunters on that question and granted a 12 will do much more damage than a 20, but she was much closer than ten feet.
I won't watch the video. I was then and remain Team Dog over the constant flood of kitten litters mom enabled/adopted/ignored and still does to this day. At this age, she's central casting cat lady. The pup was helping in lieu of spaying and neutering those semi stray cats.
I now live in a city where shooting any gun of any kind, including BB/pellet guns is prohibited and they have triangulation monitors to track discharge location. And any animal not on a leash for half a second gets multiple calls to animal control and nastigrams on hood message boards. If someone (new to the area) posts on NextDoor or whatever a friendly note that there is a so and so colored dog off the leash on the street if the owner wants to come get them, a rage army of people demand that people not post that crap and immediately call animal control. Different time and different world.
I didn't realize dogs/pigs/etc revert and pack hunt for sport. I guess I always assumed pets that got loose had no hunting skills and eventually fell to wild animals.