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Everything posted by G650

  1. This is true, and one reason the Trump talking like a 5th grader works. It's lies, but it's so simple people get it.
  2. I'm pretty sure no one is coming to this from a place of superiority. I mostly worry about what my son is going to have to deal with as he grows up.
  3. Yeah, I just said that and bad teammate told me it was a fever dream
  4. I know. It's a problem. What's the answer because phones aren't going away. And who is feeding kids that kind of shit anyway?
  5. Then present a counter narrative. I lived it, as did all the generations before me. It's not a Gen X thing, it's a teenage male thing. Or was apparently. You drug your way through school days to get to the nights. You snuck out of your parents house to see your friends. Nabbed a handle of rum if you could. Played in a rock band. Smoked some weed. That was existence. We grew up. I got married eventually, had a kid I love. Run a business now. Life is good. And it's because I'm a product of a healthy youth experience.
  6. I know, it's an issue. As I said, I made a thread about it.
  7. Should? I don't know. I can tell you I did at 37. At 18 I was trying to nail anything that moved.
  8. As a man, I have no idea WTF you are talking about. I grew up in an era of tough love.
  9. I'm glad you posted and would love to hear your takes.
  10. This is what I've seen as well.
  11. I mean, strike off the "better than you" part, then yes, that's exactly what it means. Looking out for the less empowered is one of the absolute fundamental hallmarks of masculinity, and these guys are failing.
  12. I literally created a thread about it earlier.
  13. Yeah, godspeed for y'all
  14. Another point that is brought up that stupifies me. What 18 year old dude wants to have fucking kids. It's like the single outcome you avoid at all costs.
  15. I'm not exactly sure how you can advocate anything other than treat women with respect and claim to be a decent human. Which is literally all anyone is saying.
  16. So your answer is to sexually enslave women?
  17. No, they aren't, that's what I'm saying. Why not is the question. Crosspost from the election thread by @chainsaw, but this is the kind of thing that is baffling to me. What 18 year old male wants those things? That seems face meltingly insane to me.
  18. It isn't though? See a girl at a bar, talk to her. This isn't that complicated.
  19. Yeah this isn't some new thing, and specific to this election or anything. It's been going on a awhile.
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