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Everything posted by G650

  1. So I was chatting in the cycling training Discord group I'm in at the same time today's events were going on, and one guy who knows the S&C coach for tOSU wrestling team says he runs the 400 on his birthday every year to see if he can do it under a minute. Guy is same age as me and is getting perilously close to going over. Had us wondering what would happen if we tried it ha. Probably this. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/08/24/entertainment/kevin-hart-wheelchair-injury
  2. This is the tightest field I can recall without a doubt
  3. Well thank God he did it. Closing speed ftw
  4. I've followed Jacobs on IG since he was a long jumper, I still can't think of him as a sprinter even though he is the defending champ lol
  5. That was one for the ages. Dropping Vos and Kopecky like a bad habit
  6. All good lol. I'm a skinny dude. I had to put on like 40 lbs when I played football in High School.
  7. You want to see a dude with my morphology check out Cole Hocker lol
  8. This Canadian guy Katzberg is like a pasty doppelganger of Donkey Doug fron the Good Place.
  9. This 800 heat looks a little more casual
  10. Sometime you just have that jour sans.
  11. Yeah you can sign up for any country and automatically get State Dept updates on travel advisories.
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