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Everything posted by G650

  1. I know it's a common refrain from me, but people really should watch the rest of the year. Carapaz is a literal past GT and Olympics winner. Remco probably the second most well know cyclist of the past 5 years besides maybe Pogacar, if not moreso.
  2. Really gonna win back those suburban women with that rhetoric.
  3. Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
  4. Narrator: He didn't believe in merit
  5. Josh Shapiro had one of the most well publicized races in the country. You'd have to be under a rock not to know who he is. I only vaguely follow the minutae of this crap and I know who he is, he was plastered all over the news
  6. The really ironic thing is I'm currently rereading Fotheringham's The End of the Road about the Festina Affair and the 98 Tour
  7. The two best climbing performances in the history of cycling. https://lanternerouge.com/2024/07/14/greatest-climbing-performances-of-all-time-on-plateau-de-beille-tour-de-france-2024-stage-15/
  8. Yeah, and obviously the contra argument is go in with open eyes. After so many years of scandal, at some point you kind of just accept a certain amount of shadiness. It really becomes more of where the line is drawn. I love cycling, and watching cyclists race, so it's still enjoyable to watch the drama unfold, even knowing it's probably not wholly clean. For what it's worth this is every sport really, football, soccer, baseball, you name it. It's not exclusively cycling. My biggest sadness really is that someone as likeable as Tadej is associated with those shitheads that run his team.
  9. Here's the thing, while both of these dudes are super likeable, one is on former Rabobank, and the other rides for Gianetti and Maxtin, literally the dirtiest guys in cycling history. And they are somehow way in front of everyone else.
  10. Yeah. Beat Lance's time on Pla d'adet too. It's pretty sus.
  11. I give credit to Visma for shooting their shot. 3 stages left with GC implications.
  12. This is so awesome to watch
  13. Obviously not, which is why I asked the question in the first place
  14. I mean, I'm not some noted CR poster, but that pretty much is a slap to a shitload of people because one or two dudes said something stupid. All I am saying is Jan 6th is the most consequential event of my lifetime, only thing close is 9/11. This to me isn't superseding that. Feel free to disagree but I'm not the one calling you stupid for your take.
  15. Well I guess this is why. This is no worse than January 6th to me. Several people died in that in case you forgot. In fact it's a shitload more common. In the 20th century alone it happened 7 or 8 times. January 6th was a much more rare event. Feel free to call me stupid though.
  16. I feel like I missed something, there's nothing here approaching the usual histrionics following whatever news story du jour.
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