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Everything posted by G650

  1. RIP Raphael Geminiani. Legend. 99 years is a hell of a run
  2. 100%. I was excited for this Tour, then totally crushed after all the injuries, now miraculously it is amazing. What a rollercoaster. I am not sure how much better Jonas can get, that is sort of a myth, it's more less tailing off, but it's definitely his strength so that keeps his trajectory an open question. And finishing on a TT, Remco is a serious wild card if he hangs in the mountains. Could be 1989 again.
  3. The one question to be answered is when he hits the Giro wall. It's coming but no idea at what point. Could be after the Tour.
  4. So after the interview, apparently none of the above. He thought he punctured because of a popping noise.
  5. This tour is so odd as basically every stage the top contenders are all content with the result. At some point obviously that will change but for now there's no hurt feelings
  6. Think it may have been a jammed derailleur for Remco.
  7. Jonas with solid ride
  8. So close to. Got it back on
  9. I'm thinking Roglic may have come in to the Tour a little underbaked on purpose. He looks better every day
  10. Remco should obliterate this
  11. I actually really like him, and love the way he races, because he reminds me of Hinault who is my all timer, but I am always cheering for someone else in any given race for random reasons. It's really odd lol.
  12. Scored last place for the stage for a dangerous sprint (deviation from his racing line pushing Wout into the barrier)
  13. And he got relegated lol.
  14. Jasper loses again, and we all win
  15. Yeah that was wild as shit. Ridiculous reflexes
  16. Bardet yellow, Cav getting 35, man, I don't give a shit what happens rest of race, amazing Tour.
  17. HE FUCKING DID IT!!!!!!
  18. Watching Jasper suck shit through a straw has been satisfying
  19. He was pulling time back in the turns. It was the straight part he lost time.
  20. More watts and more kilos on a straight downhill, pretty hard to overcome those physics
  21. No doubt. I am pretty interested to see if Remco can drop the hammer. Even losing time today I was very impressed how he hung in there. Hats off to Pog, really picked a good time to get bonus seconds.
  22. First Pog explosion. Not sure how much gain he will get but fun.
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