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Everything posted by G650

  1. I find the whole Gen X Trump support so bizarre as it's antithetical to everything I know and lived about my generation. So many Gen X stereotypes were real in a lot of ways, but also one has to recognize the complexity of human lived experience obviously, so I always temper this with the fact that the vast majority of people are just very average suburbanites. And it wasn't a monoculture that people make it out to be either. It's still jarring to see.
  2. I'd just like to say Picture is easily one of the top 5 worst songs of all time.
  3. The last time I had it i was 6 years old. It was the sickest I've ever been in my life.... till I got Covid this year. Nothing else I've ever had comes close to those two events.
  4. This has bee one of my pet peeves for years, way before Covid. Every time someone gets a minor head cold and goes 'oh I have the flu'. No motherfucker you do not have the goddamn flu
  5. I mean, I'm a Times subscriber and I think he is dead accurate.
  6. I haven't looked at Twitter in a year and my life is AOK
  7. Shit, Asheville got demolished homie Damn you watching Wavy 10
  8. Sumbitch. RIP to a real one
  9. That reminds me, I meant to post a photo of the flags the gay guys down the street are currently flying.
  10. That's what that chart says to you? That's an existing homes chart btw.
  11. It's definitely a strong album, but Mother's Milk will always be the GOAT for me when it comes to the Peppers. Everything after One Hot Minute has just been terrible though, that much can't be denied. And they are insanely culpable in the over compression epidemic of the past 20 years
  12. Ok... Still not remotely answering what I'm asking. How are 7% rates turbo fucking anyone? I agree.
  13. Yeah, that's one thing I'm getting at. On what planet is 7% interest rates going to stop the housing market? I wouldn't have postulated that even in 2018.
  14. That's all great, but how does that equate to anyone being turbo fucked? It's a nonsensical statement on myriad levels. I build neighborhoods btw, people have asked me for years, well before Covid, what rates would stop the housing market. My WAG had always been 9%, I'd probably say 10 now, but regardless, until the supply and demand mismatch resolves, which i probably won't live to see, the housing market will keep on trucking. The essentially free money of the last 15 years has warped so many people. We smack dab in the middle of historic interest rates. And dropping.
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